This project generates an HTML page with a gallery of some of my favorite movies; you can see details about the film like title, poster image, year of release and storyline. Clicking in the poster will show you the trailer.
This project is part of my Full-Stack Web Developer class in Udacity.
- Python 2.7 or Python 3.x
You can download python here.
You should start cloning this repository:
$ git clone
After getting the code, you must run script with python like this:
$ python
This script will create the fresh_tomatoes.html and open a web browser for you to show the page.
This project was tested with:
- Python 2.7.9, MacOS X
- Python 3.4.2, MacOS X
This code is a modification of the original source code from this repository:
You can't use this project as your project for Udacity, but you can use for study purposes if you want.