Written mainly as a silly experiment to see if we really need all that juicy reactivity that React brings with the overload of node_modules
The following snippet shows how to use TinHat in the old fashioned, no-bundler way. It has a counter and an input field that updates the username
div when input changes.
<!-- include the tinhat.js file -->
<script src="tinhat.js"></script>
<!-- updates with elapsed since the document was loaded -->
<div id="counter">0</div>
<!-- updates as the input field updates -->
<div id="username">(not set)</div>
<input type="text" value="" oninput='settings.update({...settings, "username": this.value})' />
/// Create a reactive counter
count = thReactive(0);
/// A reactive settings object with the username
settings = thReactive({ "username": "" });
/// The all important watch command to react to
/// changes in the variable
thWatch(count, (_, newValue) => {
/// Set the inner HTML of the #counter object with value
thSetInner("#counter", newValue)
thWatch(settings, (_, newValue) => {
thSetInner("#username", newValue.username)
/// Set the valid attribute on the input field to true
thAttributeSet("#username", "valid", true);
setInterval(() => {
count.update(count.value + 1);
That's it really, now go use htmx
And learn Rust
~ KHF.