Millions of people have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in severe morbidity and mortality. Chest radiography is one of the quick and accessible diagnostic techniques for detecting COVID-19. The project aims to develop a reliable method for detecting COVID-19 in patients by analyzing chest X-rays. Three Deep Learning systems based on LeNet, ResNet, and VGG-19 models are being developed for detecting COVID-19 in patients on a Chest Radiography dataset and GRADCAM will be applied to the best model to detect COVID-19-affected areas in the lungs.
This project aims to develop a quick and accurate diagnostic method using deep learning techniques to detect COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. We developed a deep-learning model that can classify chest X-ray images into four groups: COVID-19, viral pneumonia, non-COVID bacterial infection, and normal health by using three very popular deep-learning techniques to train the models. These models can be utilized in the detection of respiratory illnesses, especially COVID-19. The project also aims to create a visualization technique that helps identify the areas affected by the virus in the lungs of a patient and helps give proper treatment.
- Python 3 Environment (Anaconda preferred)
- Python modules required: NumPy, Pandas, PIL, Scikit-learn, Keras, Tensorflow, Warnings, Display, Random, Opencv2, Matplotlib, Seaborn
- Web Browser
- Any Python3 IDE installed with the above modules. (Pycharm is used in the development of this project)
A environment should have access to very good resources - good GPU, RAM etc required for any deep learning project.
- To give a rough idea, this project is built on a Macbook Pro 2021 with an M1 Chip
The models are developed using a data repository named COVID-19 Radiography dataset from Kaggle which is compiled by a team of researchers from Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, and the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh along with their collaborators from Pakistan and Malaysia. The dataset consists of chest X-ray images for three pneumonia-related chest illnesses along with normal health. The dataset contains more than 42000 images divided into two folders one containing chest X-ray images and the other containing their corresponding masks. For this project, we used only the Chest X-ray images which contain 3616 COVID-19-positive cases along with 10,192 Normal, 6012 Lung Opacity (Non-COVID lung infection), and 1345 Viral Pneumonia images.
- The dataset provided in Kaggle contains both Chest X-ray images and also their corresponding masks. Our implementation does not use the mask images. Hence, these images are ignored.
- The images in the dataset are randomly divided into three different subsets – Training, Testing, and Validation sets with a ratio of 80-10-10 to help in training the model, evaluating the model, and finetuning the parameters during the training respectively. The images in the training and validation sets are subjected to Horizontal flip to accommodate the Data Augmentation. This helped in increasing the training parameters and helped train the model to detect minor variations in data. Then all the images are resized to the same shape of 224x224 size and the color of the images is fixed to a range of ‘RGB’. This helped the models get trained more easily and prevent overfitting of the model. These preprocessed images are used for training the models.
- We have trained three independent models – LeNet-5, ResNet-101, and VGG-16 using Keras-TensorFlow. These models are chosen for their well-known success with Image classification problems. One additional model is also developed to check the efficiency of DenseNet architecture on the problem.
- LeNet is a convolutional neural network (CNN) proposed by Yann LeCun in 1998 and was one of the first successful applications of CNNs. LeNet-5 is a simple architecture with seven layers. The first two are convolutional layers, followed by two subsampling layers, and then two fully connected layers concluding with one output layer. During the training process, the weights of the model are adjusted to minimize the difference between the predicted class and the actual class of the chest X-ray image and are updated using the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization algorithm.
- The model is initialized to train for a maximum of 20 epochs with categorical cross entropy loss function and an early stopping call back is applied to prevent overfitting of the model. The model stopped training at the 8th epoch as shown in the image below and the best model is saved.
- The ResNet model proposed in 2015 by Kaiming He et a deep and complex CNN architecture with residual connections that allows for the training of very deep networks. ResNet is made up of several residual blocks, each with two or three convolutional layers and a shortcut connection that bypasses them. The shortcut connection allows the input to be added to the residual block's output, thereby avoiding the vanishing gradient problem, and allowing the model to learn identity mappings.
- We have used a variation of ResNet that is 101 layers deep including convolutional layers, batch normalization layers, and shortcut connections. The model is based on the Residual Network (ResNet) architecture introduced in 2015. The Model we used is pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset consisting of one million images of 1000 categories which means it already knows how to detect important features in an image. We have added two new fully connected layers to the model using the Keras functional API. The first layer consists of 256 neurons with a ReLU activation function, followed by a final output layer with a softmax activation function that outputs probabilities for each of the categories. After adding the new layers, the pre-trained layers of the ResNet101 model are frozen, meaning that their weights will not be updated during training to prevent overfitting and to preserve the features that the pre-trained model has learned. The model is then compiled and trained with early stopping call back on validation loss, categorical cross-entropy loss function, and Adam as the optimizer. The model is defined to be trained for a maximum of 20 epochs and the model stopped training at the 12th epoch as shown in Fig.3 and the best model is saved for further usage.
- VGG-19 is a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture that was introduced in 2014 by researchers at the Visual Geometry Group (VGG) at the University of Oxford. The VGG19 model is a deep learning model that consists of 19 layers and is based on the VGG architecture which includes 16 convolutional layers and 3 fully connected layers. Similar to ResNet, VGG-19 is also trained on pre-trained weights of a model trained on the ImageNet dataset. The VGG architecture is based on a simple principle of stacking multiple convolutional layers with small filters, which allows for the creation of deep neural networks that are more efficient and require fewer parameters.
- We have used the transfer learning approach which uses weights from the model trained on the ImageNet dataset as the base model for training the model. This pre-trained model is used without its top layer which is replaced with a custom layer consisting of a flattened layer, two fully connected layers with 1024 and 4 neurons with a softmax activation function. The resulting model as shown in the picture above is created by specifying these input and output layers and compiled with categorical cross-entropy loss and Adam optimizer. The layers of the pre-trained VGG19 model are then frozen to prevent retraining and overfitting on the new dataset. The model is trained on the new dataset for 20 epochs as shown in the picture below, with early stopping to prevent overfitting which stopped the training at the 6th epoch by saving the best model.
- When trying to train the ResNet, the model initially showed overfitting during training. So, we explored and trained an alternate model using the DenseNet architecture introduced in 2017 by Gao Huang, Zhuang Liu et al. In DenseNet, each layer receives direct input from all previous layers, allowing information to flow more efficiently throughout the network. The architecture is based on the concept of dense blocks, which are made up of multiple layers that feed into each other, and transition layers, which reduce the spatial dimensions of the feature maps between dense blocks. We used a pre-trained DenseNet169 model to create a new neural network using a pre-trained model with its weights trained on the ImageNet dataset, and the top layer was removed. A new custom top layer is added to the base model with the number of neurons equal to the number of classes. The final model is compiled with the Adam optimizer and categorical cross-entropy loss function. The model is trained with early stopping as a callback function to prevent overfitting. The model is trained for 20 epochs and showed a validation accuracy of 92%.
- The test subset of the dataset created in the data preprocessing is used to evaluate the performance of the models. Each image is loaded to the model and the predicted class of each model is compared with the original label in the dataset. The number of correctly predicted labels is used as a criterion to define the most accurate model.
GradCam is a technique used to visualize what areas of an image are important for classification. These areas can provide insight into what features the model uses for classification and can help interpret the model's decision. GradCam will generate a heatmap for an image from a class using the generated model. These heatmaps will be overlaid on the original images to show what features or patterns the model has learned to distinguish between different classes.
The areas necessary for classification will point to the areas impacted by the virus in a patient's lungs, as the model's objective is to determine whether the patient has COVID-19 from the x-ray. Hence, GradCam is used to visualize areas affected by COVID-19. GradCam is implemented using the best-performing model to visualize what areas of the image are important for classification. Then this heatmap overlapped on the chest X-ray image which showed affected areas in the lungs as shown in the picture below.
- For evaluating the performance of the model, each model is tested on the same test subset and the same system. We have used metrics like Classification Reports and Confusion Matrices to visualize the class-wise performance of the models. The Confusion matrices highlight and show the number of true positives of each class which is a good criterion to check how well the models performed. Accuracy Scores of each model on the test set are as follows -
- Accuracy of LeNet against the Test Set: 78.37%
- Accuracy of VGG against the Test Set: 91.4%
- Accuracy of ResNet against the Test Set: 92.58%
The above picture shows the Confusion Matrices of four models developed. Classification Reports in the picture below show a summary of metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score of models in each class.
From the above results, it is apparent that the ResNet-101 is the best-performing model for solving the problem of classifying chest X-rays and identifying COVID-19 in the lungs of a patient. We can observe that F1-Scores on Normal images and Viral Pneumonia are a bit higher when compared to the other two classes. The probable reason for this is because of the imbalance in the classes. We have tried to reduce this class imbalance by using various techniques like oversampling, undersampling, and assigning weights to the classes. But when these approaches on this dataset, the models showed overfitting. In the initial stages of training, ResNet resulted in overfitting when we tried to build the model as described in the paper it is introduced. So, we had to modify hyperparameters and activation functions in custom layers, finally building a good model. During this stage when the performance of ResNet was skeptical, we explored an alternate approach and trained a DenseNet model which also showed optimal results with an accuracy of 86%. It is also to be observed that the best models are saved in a very smaller number of epochs which we think is an effect of the very deep architectures we have used. And the amount of time taken for training (18 minutes, 54 minutes, and 31 minutes approximately for LeNet, ResNet, and VGG respectively) is less due to the machine on which we have trained the models. We have observed more training times when we trained on another system.
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Models are saved at Fully Trained Models