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2019 03 27 team meeting agenda

Milica Grahovac edited this page Mar 28, 2019 · 11 revisions

Meeting access

Date: March 27, 2019, 10:00-11:30 Pacific Time

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Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 661 404 2296
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Meeting ID: 661 404 2296



Slides are posted at


  • Primary sequence implementation and 2nd case study of office building in East Bay (20 min)
  • Sequence translation and control verification (10 min)
  • Update/discuss commercialization in general (30 min)
  • Upcoming deadlines and time table (10 min)
  • Plan for Haystack connect and June ASHRAE meeting (10 min)
  • Next steps (5 min)


  1. Michael Wetter
  2. Philip Haves
  3. Jianjun Hu
  4. Milica Grahovac
  5. Antoine Gautier
  6. Kun Zhang
  7. Lisa Rivalin
  8. Brent Eubanks
  9. Mark Hydeman
  10. Gerry Hamilton
  11. Jay Santos
  12. Paul Ehrlich
  13. Rich Rockwood
  14. David Pritchard
  15. Caleb Clough
  16. Paul Switenki
  17. Aidan Parkinson
  18. Amy Shen
  19. Jim Kelsey


Primary sequence implementation and 2nd case study of office building in East Bay (20 min)

Michael explains the difference in implementing 1711 compared to G36 (increased complexity). Details the configurations that the team is working on at the moment. The team focuses on making the sequences modular and flexible. Ongoing: integration of top level controller, sequence development, sequence review on a staging branch.

Antoine explains the current stage of the closed loop model implementation.

Sequence translation and control verification (10 min)

Jianjun presents the sequence translation tool that allows writing various types of documentation. It can be used as a bridge from Modelica to a commercial product line, to provide word output, to configure a control selection tool, create point lists.

Michael explains the next steps in developing the prototype translator with subcontractors. Discussion develops about various platforms and potential limitations

Mark suggest a data driven chiller model and will provide model documentation.

Antoine explains the time series comparison tool. It’s a C based software with a python implementation. Michael explains the use cases for the comparison tool. The external team initiates discussion on potential use cases. The tool can also be extended to allow stream data into it, Michael elaborates on how that could be constructed.

Kun reviews the potential optimal start algorithms. Phil mentions the challenges of comparing to proprietary blocks.

Project milestones

Michael announces the requested change in project scope and timeline (3rd case study is replaced with the update to the released G36 secondary sequences). Outlines the outstanding project tasks.

Update/discuss commercialization in general (30 min)

Paul S. goes over the document the team developed. Seeks comment on the approach and how to reach out.

Discussion on how to moderate the technology transfer (team - G36 committee). Michael suggests an electronic implementation (in CDL) that links to the Guideline. There will be ongoing discussion on that.

Plan for Haystack connect and June ASHRAE meeting (10 min)

Next steps (5 min)

Separate meeting on G36

Jim to see who would be testing the verification of controls as part of commissioning.