A generic wiringPi-implementation for single-board computers.
This is a lightweight re-implementation of the wiringPi-library based on gpiod – the linux kernel GPIO API.
This allows for wiringpi-gpiod
to be used on any single-board computer, as long as the kernel recognizes the GPIO chip – the original wiringPi-library supported only a limited range of SBCs.
> cmake -B build .
> cmake --build build
# produces build/libwiringpi-gpiod.[a|so]
# [optional]
> sudo cmake --install build
Linking a wiringPi-based project against wiringpi-gpiod
is as simple as replacing -lwiringpi
with -lwiringpi-gpiod
in the compiler arguments.
In case you do not wish to install the library system-wide, add an additional -L/path/to/libwiringpi-gpiod.so
- Runs on any single-board computer, as long as GPIO pins are recognized by the kernel
- ! Pin numbers in
follow the standard GPIOxx-numbering of your board (*not* the custom wiringPi-mapping)
Created by Lesosoftware in 2023