mail worker is just a very simple application who receiver messages with email contents from Azure Service Bus and send it with SendGrid
Clone the project, configure the environment variables and then in your term:
build the project
./gradlew build
and run
java -jar build/libs/mailworker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
You need to set some env variables, you can use IntelliJ IDEA to set and run the app or just do in linux export ENV="VALUE"
and in windows set ENV="VALUE"
need envs
To receive and process message, the body content of the message need to be
"to": ""
"from": "" //need to be allowed in sendgrid
"subject": "This is an example email"
"content": "Hi, John Doe! this can be a simple text or <p> some html mail </p>"
This app just have /health
route to kubernets or heroku see if app is running