A fast, scalable and modular boilerplate for rapid website development.
- Local development server.
- Scalable and modular architecture.
- Markup, Sass and JavaScript linting.
- JavaScript bundling, transpiling and minification.
- Sass preprocessing, bundling, auto-prefixing and minification.
- Static asset optimization.
- Build command to generate a deployment ready archive.
You'll need the following installed on your machine.
These dependencies are already included for you (via CDN for performance).
- Clone the repository and install with NPM
To set up the project structure, simply clone the git repository and install NPM.
$ git clone git@github.com:louis-young/website-boilerplate.git
$ npm install
- Run
There are different tasks which you can run depending on your needs:
$ npm start
- start the local development server and live watch file changes.$ npm run lint
- lint scripts, stylesheets and markup.$ npm run package
- generate a production archive and directory which is ready to deploy.
Simply run any command in the project root directory such as:
$ npm start
All of your markup, Sass and JavaScript is automatically linted on change. The output will appear in the console and will prevent poor code, bad convention and will lower the amount of silent/runtime errors.
This can also be run as a separate task by running $ npm run lint
These can be configured by editing the associated linter configuration file in the configuration
When using compilers and combining files, you need to keep track (a map) of where this code originated from. This helps immensely when debugging a project as you can see which file an error/warning is being thrown from and view this as source code.
Simply use developer tools as you would usually, it's all handled for you.
Every Sass file and partial is linted, compiled, minified, prefixed and added in to the main.min.css
You can place multiple scripts in any of the scripts directories and import them in the bundle.js
file. These will all be compiled and bundled in to the bundle.min.js
Static assets are automatically compressed/optimised and moved to the dist
directory. This supports most common static asset file types and also supports subdirectories.