Text-wrangler app to transform CSV data as specified by bespoke ANTLR4 DSL.
- Run
mvn package
to generate the ANTLR4 parser - Import the MySQL schema in
- Update the MySQL connection details in
- Start on App.java for a demonstration on how to use the library
- A sample DSL for transformations is provided in
- The grammar and lexer describing the DSL rules and syntax can be founded in
- Java Regex patterns are supported, which can be used to skip data
- In addition, sugar patterns are supported through a mapped pattern util
- ANTLR4 is also used for parsing CSV
- A grammar and lexer descriving CSV parsing rules can be found in
- CSV data sample is in
- No orders are created from this sample
- Data values that do not match the provided pattern (if one) are skipped
- CSV data has a header row with field names
- App.java runs and saves orders for the given data and dsl samples.
- MariaDB as JBDC driver
- ANTLR4 for DSL and CSV processing and parsing support
- JUnit for unit tests
- Javadoc is under folder 'doc', containing additional usage, assumptions and implementation notes
- Refactor so as to abstract the type order (details given in the source code marked with // TODO comments), making it possible to easily reuse for other type of data
- Create a utility to support database schema creation from the dsl or import schema from database (most likelly to bring a dependency such as QueryDSL in and extend it to fit the purpose)
- Extend the DSL grammar/lexer to allow setting up formatters for representation of the target object in stdout
- Extend the DSL grammar/lexer to allow a filter regex construct that allows a user to parse only the objects that match that filter
- Extend to support other DB languages, for example, it would be quite interesting to support Redis
- Extend to support Map<>Reduce processor in order to allow parallel working with BigData
- Extend to support Reactive streams and Publisher/Subscribers
- Add proper JUnit Test suite with rich set of examples
- Provide proper technical documentation, such as class diagram and interaction diagrams