This is php bot with simple strategy to trade bitcoin on the exchange.
Warning!!! Use this bot at your own risk. Don't use this bot if you don't understand how it's working or you will lose your money.
Please look into bot source code to understand how it's working
Download latest release here and extract sources to a project (destination) folder or clone project
$ git clone ~/kuna-bot
Create configuration file:
$ cp ~/kuna-bot/app/simple-bot-config.yaml.dist ~/kuna-bot/app/conf.btcuah.yaml
and change configuration parameters with your requirements.
You can run bot on the local machine or in the Docker container.
To run bot on the local machine please install:
Then do next steps:
$ cd ~/kuna-bot/app
$ composer install
and run the bot:
$ php ~/kuna-bot/app/bin/console simple-bot:run ~/kuna-bot/app/conf.btcuah.yaml
To run bot in the Docker container:
Then do next steps:
$ cd ~/kuna-bot
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker exec -ti kunabot_php_1 bash
and run the bot:
$ php /var/www/bin/console simple-bot:run /var/www/conf.btcuah.yaml
! Notice Don't run more than one bot instance for one trading (exchange) account.
You can run 2 (or more) bot instances from one application/container. For this create separate trading (exchange) accounts for different pairs.
To run 2 bot instances:
- Create 2 configuration files, for different pairs
- Create different trading (exchange) accounts and generate API keys for it. Then put this case to configuration files (each api key in the corresponding config file)
- Run 2 bot instances (in separate terminal windows)
$ php ~/kuna-bot/app/bin/console simple-bot:run ~/kuna-bot/app/conf.btcuah.yaml
$ php ~/kuna-bot/app/bin/console simple-bot:run ~/kuna-bot/app/conf.ethuah.yaml