Trustydns is a DNS Over HTTPS (DoH) package written in Go. The proxy and server programs can be combined to create a completely independent DoH eco-system or they can be mixed and matched with other DoH components. Trustydns is intended to comply with RFC8484 but has additional non-standard features which can be optionally enabled.
The trustydns-proxy
daemon accepts regular DNS queries and forwards them to a DoH server over
HTTPS. Typically trustydns-proxy
is installed on your home or office gateway and replaces your
local resolver. It could also be installed on your portable devices if you roam on to untrusted
networks. The trustydns-server
daemon accepts DoH queries and forwards them to a local
resolver. It is normally installed on a remote, trusted system which has access to a trusted
resolver. Finally, the trustydns-dig
command-line utility issues DoH queries and can be used to
test DoH servers.
While these programs can be mixed and matched with existing DoH infrastructure such as those provided by Quad9 and Mozilla, the intent is to let you create your own DoH eco-system independent of all external parties. In particular, the programs have been written in Go expressly so they can be easily cross-compiled for targets such as home routers which do not normally provide a development environment. Sample cross-compile targets can be found in the Makefile.
Trustydns supports both server-side and client-side TLS certificates so you can set up a completely closed system whereby only appropriately credentialed proxies and servers can exchange DoH queries with each other.
Additional deployment features which may be of interest include:
- Split-horizon DNS settings to ensure local domain queries stay local
- EDNS Client Subnet (RFC7871) controls for masking, substitution and synthesis
- Support for alternate root CAs to enable private certificates
- Proxy support for a pool of DoH servers so no single point of failure
Trustydns is new and has some rough edges to it and the compilation and installation process is simplistic at best, so bug reports, suggestions and feedback are more than welcome.
This package is targeted at DNS administrators with a modicum of Unix sysadmin experience. You need not be an expert to deploy trustydns but there are many different ways a DoH installation can be constructed such that this document can at best offer general guidance and hints.
Some features have been deferred prior to gaining more real-world deployment experience to assess how desirable they truly are. These are discussed in the TODO document.
The alternate root CA support is definitely "primordial". Let's see how useful it is before making too much of a meal out of it. It may turn out that this feature is more hassle than it's worth in which case it may be removed in a future release.
This package should compile and run on most Unix-like systems which support go1.12.1 or higher. All
programs have been tested on various CPU architectures with FreeBSD, Linux and macOS. The
Makefile in the root directory is a very simple affair which builds and installs the programs into
. Feel free to modify it to suit your environment.
To fetch, compile and install trustydns, run the following commands:
go get -d -u # Ignore the warning about no go programs
cd $GOPATH/src/
make clean all # Compile everything
sudo make install # Install programs into /usr/local
The proxy and server daemons are designed to be run by a process supervision manager such as daemontools, launchd, runit or systemd; how you do this is up to you. Prior to deployment though you can test all the trustydns programs from the command line and even do so without needing to obtain a TLS certifcate! First start the server with:
/usr/local/sbin/trustydns-server -A --log-all -v
The server should start accepting DoH queries over HTTP on port 8080 and resolve those queries via
the resolvers in /etc/resolv.conf
Use trustydns-dig
to send a DoH query to your freshly running server:
/usr/local/bin/trustydns-dig mx
If all goes well trustydns-dig
returns the MX RRs for Yahoo! and you should see some
log chatter from the server as it processes the query. The log chatter is mostly of use to
developers but it's helpful here to demonstrate server activity.
The final step is to incorporate the proxy into the query flow. Start it with:
/usr/local/sbin/trustydns-proxy -A -v --log-all
The proxy should start accepting DNS queries on port 6653 and forward them to your
instance on port 8080. To test the proxy, use your preferred DNS query tool to
issue a regular query to port 6653, e.g:
dig -p 6653 @ mx
If all goes really well, the DNS query returns the MX RRs for Yahoo! which closely matches your
previous trustydns-dig
query. Both the proxy and the server should chatter away with their logging
output showing "proof of life".
If you've got this far, congratulations! You've successfully run all the programs and are now ready to deploy.
As you no doubt observed in "Getting Started", all the programs can use HTTP which expedites the
learning exercise and greatly simplifies traffic debugging. However if you plan to run
in production you'll need to acquire a TLS server certificate and invoke
with --tls-cert
and --tls-key
You should be able to use any of: an official paid-for certificate generated by a commercial CA,
"free" certificates from or a self-signed certificate generated by a tool
such as openssl
. For reference, the author runs trustydns-server
with a "Let's Encrypt"
certificated generated with certbot. For those that want to take the self-signed
route there are a few scripts in the openssl directory which might help.
If you plan to run a "proxy only" deployment which relies on existing DoH Servers you will of course not need a Server Certificate.
One possible deployment scenario is to use trustydns-proxy
on your local network and direct its
DoH queries to public DoH servers such as those run by Mozilla, Quad9 and Google. To do this invoke
the proxy as follows:
/usr/local/sbin/trustydns-proxy -v \ \
The proxy accepts DNS queries on port 53 and forward them to one of the servers on the command line
depending on which is offering reliable responses with the lowest latency. trustydns-proxy
opportunistically forwards queries to different servers to accumulate latency and reliability data.
There are many other public DoH servers besides those used in the example above. A fairly comprehensive list along with their attributes can be found on the Curl GitHub site.
It's not un-common for a network to have a "split-DNS" whereby lookups of your local domain produce different results from those seen by the "outside" world. This is usually achieved with a special local resolver configuration.
supports split-DNS environments with the -c
and -e
options. Here is an example
/usr/local/sbin/trustydns-proxy -v -c /etc/resolv.conf \
-e -e \ \ \
This invocation causes trustydns-proxy
to redirect all queries for the search/domains in
as well as the domains "" and "" to the resolvers
specified in /etc/resolv.conf. All other queries are forwarded to the DoH servers on the command
line. Redirection to local resolvers also includes all sub-domains of the specified domains.
WARNING: Make very sure that the proxy listen address is not included in the nominated resolv.conf file otherwise redirected queries will cause an unpleasant query loop.
A private proxy/server deployment is one in which both the proxy and server use privately generated certificates to authorize access to each other. If we assume that you have previously generated a rootCA and server and proxy certificates - perhaps with the help of the supplied openssl scripts - then proxy invocation looks something like:
/usr/local/sbin/trustydns-proxy -v --tls-key proxy.key --tls-cert proxy.cert \
--tls-other-roots rootCA.cert --tls-use-system-roots=false \
--log-tls-errors \
While not essential the --log-tls-errors
option is useful for identifying certificate verification
and server invocation is something like:
/usr/local/sbin/trustydns-server -v --tls-key $yourDoHServer.key --tls-cert $yourDoHServer.cert \
--tls-other-roots rootCA.cert --tls-use-system-roots=false \
Setting --tls-use-system-roots=false
retricts access solely to certificates generated with your
root CA.
In verbose mode (-v) both the server and the proxy produce periodic statistical output which is normally written to log files. There are a number of scripts in the tools directory which produce summary reports from the log file entries. For details see tools/README.
There are various ancilliary documents in the docs directory which cover less common aspects of running trustydns. They include: running on Windows, implications of edns-client-subnet with DoH and how to build and configure unbound to support ECS queries and how to enable ECS synthesis to improve GSLB responses.
If you have any problems using trustydns or suggestions on how it can do a better job, don't hesitate to create an issue or email the authors directly. This package can only improve with your feedback.
Trustydns is Copyright ©️ 2019, 2020 Mark Delany. This software is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.