A small R Shiny app for exploring geographic data about collisions between vehicles and deer in Scotland between 2000 and 2017. You can read more in the accompanying blog post.
The app is not hosted online. You can clone or download this repo and then run the app, or you can run these lines from an R session:
repo = "scot-deer-collisions",
username = "matt-dray"
The app depends on a few packages: {shiny}, {shinydashboard}, {leaflet}, {DT}, {dplyr}, {sf} and {icon}.
From the blogpost:
The National Deer-Vehicle Collisions Project, administered by The Deer Initiative, has been monitoring data on deer-vehicle collisions in the UK.
The data are open. I found the dataset when skimming through data.gov.uk. It links to the SNH Natural Spaces site where you can download the data as shapefile, GML or KML under the Open Government Licence.
I produced this app independently and I don't work for any of these organisations.