This is a major release of our LaTeX Technical Report and Thesis Template for Johannes Kepler University Linz.
Major changes since v1.1:
- Added example for (optional) list of acronyms.
- Added environment (acks/acks*) to print (optional) acknowledgements in theses.
- Added seminar report type (including example).
- New option "nojkulogo" (obsoleting the existing option "notitlelogo") to remove JKU logos from reports (useful for anonymization)
Bug-fixes and improvements:
- Improved support for fancyvrb and minted packages (font and style adjustments).
- Improve backwards compatibility.
- Add proper package versioning information (for easier debugging).
- Add more build artifacts to default gitignore.
- The option "notitlelogo" is now obsolete (in favor of the newly introduced "nojkulogo" option).