This is a little project that turns your Trinket into a handy voltimeter.
It constantly measures and reports the voltage on pin #2
to the computer.
Use it with a 5V Trinket, otherwise it won't work.
Important: Make sure the voltage at the pin doesn't go over 5V, otherwise you might fry your poor Trinket. I take no responsability for damage occuring to your Trinket by using this program.
This is based off TrinketFakeUsbSerial which is explained in Adafruit Learning System.
You should have Python and PIP installed.
On Debian-based OSes, you can do:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Then install the PyUSB and docopt Python modules:
sudo pip install pyusb docopt
Now go on and use it!
Download the TrinketUsbFakeSerial
files, extract them and install the Arduino library
and upload the voltrinket.ino
sketch to your 5V Trinket.
Then, when the Trinket boots the sketch, run the python script:
If everything goes well, it'll detect the Trinket and start
displaying voltage lectures from pin #2
at the console.
You can see which options it accepts with:
python --help
TODO: 16MHz, permissions, pin connected well, USB cable correct