- Runs SQL Scripts from a predefined directory structure in a Transaction
- The directory structure is fixed
- All scripts must be created to be able to run repeatedly
- All filenames must have a valid version number prefix
- Used for Continuous Database Integration
- Used for executing releases
- supported Databases: MSSQL, Oracle (client tools must be installed), MySQL.
##Usage## Updates a database with the given scripts directory.
To update a database:
With config file
Mirabeau.DatabaseReleaseTool.exe -d:[pathToDatabaseScripts] -c:[configurationfile] -vf:[fromdatabaseversion] -vt:[todatabaseversion]
Without config file:
Mirabeau.DatabaseReleaseTool.exe -d:[pathToDatabaseScripts] -server:[databaseservername] -username:[databaseusername] -password:[databasepassword] -databasename:[databasename] (-databasetype:[Oracle||MsSql||MySql] optional)-vf:[fromdatabaseversion] -vt:[todatabaseversion]
Hidden directories will be ignored.
The default CommandTimeout per Sql script is 900 seconds.
The SQL Files will be read with Default Encoding.
The used Encoding can be changed to UTF8:
Mirabeau.DatabaseReleaseTool.exe -utf8
To get more information:
Mirabeau.DatabaseReleaseTool.exe -i
###Template for the directory structure:### 0. PreDataScripts 1. DatabaseCreate 2. Tables 3. Triggers 4. Functions 5. StoredProcedures 6. Indexes 7. Views 999. PostDataScripts Version
####Directory names that will be ignored:####
##Build script integration##
Command="$(MirabeauDatabaseReleaseTool) -d:$(ActualDatabaseDirectory) -c:$(ActualDatabaseDirectory)$(DatabaseConfigfilename) -vf:$(DatabaseVersionFrom) -vt:$(DatabaseVersionTo)"
The msbuild-by-convention project will be updated to make use of the databaserelease tool. This will include:
- Automatic installation of local (test) databases
- Automatic creation of releases for defined databases
- Deployment execution
- Comments, methods and variables in english.
- Create unittests where possible.
- Try to stick to the existing coding style.
- Give a short description in the pull request what you're doing and why.