- This is a solution to "HTML & CSS Practice n°:01" on Elzero Web School.
- Build out the project to the design provided:
- Live Site URL: Leon Template
- CSS3 custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Desktop-first workflow
- :before and :after pseudo elements do not work with
elements : source - Wraping Fontawsome Icons elements in anchor tag make them clickable : source
- z-index is relative to the elements of the same stacking context : source
- Get a child element to show behind its parent using translateZ();-"child" and "transform-style: preserve-3d;"-parent : source
- The border need to belong to the element not a parent element in order to consider box-sizing : source
- Q: Pseudo element not full container width when border used? : source
- Role of normalization in CSS : Normalizing css tries to even out the differences between browsers when rendering html-elements. Many browser have "pre-settings": p and h-elements have vertical margins, lists have some margin and padding too. em and strong tags have bold font-weight. All this pre-settings are reset, so that you have a consistent working-base in all the browsers : source
- It is not possible to use different types of styles in GitHub markdown : source
- How to Create a Drop Down Menu on click using the "Button" hack : source
- How TO - Parallax Scrolling source
- Button title vs aria-label: The title - attribute Is used if your mouse go over the button and shows the text of title as a tooltip. With aria-label is not supported in this way : source
- How to make buttons accessible to screen readers source
Areas and concepts that I want to continue focusing on in future projects :
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Responsive Images Syntax in HTML
- Purify CSS Online - This helped me removing unused CSS code.
- Unminify - This helped me unminify CSS HTML code.
- Web.dev - Contains very helpful articles.
- webAIM - This helped me checking the contrast between the Foreground Color and the Background Color.
- Linkedin - Elmouatez Billah Benariba
- Twitter - @mouatezbenariba
- Instagram - @mouatez.benariba
- I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to eng Osama Mohamed.