M. Usman Rafique, Nathan Jacobs, Junfeng Zhu
This repository contains PyTorch code for the following paper:
M. Usman Rafique, Junfeng Zhu, Nathan Jacobs "Automatic Segmentation of Sinkholes Using a Convolutional Neural Network", AGU Earth and Space Science Journal, 2022.
We recommend using a virtual environment with anaconda. If you don't already have anaconda installed, please visit this page to install anaconda: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/index.html
We provide a virtual environment file environment.yml
in this repository that can be used to make a suitable virtual environment. In terminal, go to the path of this repo and use this command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Once you set up the virtual environment (named sinkhole
), you can activate it by:
conda activate sinkhole
Our dataset has been publicly released at Zenodo:
Please download all the files in a directory named data
in this repository. The data is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
To train a model, first set up the required settings in the config.py
file. The default settings use two-channel DEM derivatives as input and a Unit Gaussian normalization. Other inputs and normalization options are available. Additionally, data and optimization settings can also be set in the config file.
To start training, simply use the command:
python3 train.py
At the end of the training, the trained model checkpoint and training logs will be saved in the cfg.train.out_dir
specified in the config.py
To evaluate a trained model, set the same cfg.train.out_dir
in config.py
that was used to train the model and run the command:
python3 evaluate.py
Metrics will be displayed in the terminal and saved to the cfg.train.out_dir
directory. This script performs a sweep of different thresholds on the val set and saves the best threshold in a file best_threshold.txt
as well.
To generate qualitative visual results, run the command
python3 visualize.py
As before, it is required that cfg.train.out_dir
in config.py
specifies a directory that contains a trained model checkpoint.
We thank Nicole Wong and Aram Ansary Ogholbake for testing the code.
If you find this paper or code helpful, please cite our paper:
@article{rafique2022automatic, title={Automatic Segmentation of Sinkholes using a Convolutional Neural Network}, author={Rafique, M. Usman and Zhu, Junfeng and Jacobs, Nathan}, journal={AGU Earth and Space Science Journal}, year={2022}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }