runs local tunnel with pm2 manager
If you are new to local tunnel, check out what local tunnel does for you
npm install -g local-tunnel-manager
you can use the same options as you provide to local tunnel
Usage: lt-manager --port [num] <options>
ls shows pm2 status
-h, --host Upstream server providing forwarding
[default: ""]
-s, --subdomain Request this subdomain
-l, --local-host Tunnel traffic to this host instead of localhost, override
Host header to this host
-o, --open opens url in your browser
-p, --port Internal http server port [required]
--ls, --pm2-ls pm2 ls command
--help Show this help and exit [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
lt-manager --port 5000 --subdomain mytestdomain
you can use pm2 ls
if you have installed pm2 globally or else you can use lt-manager ls
to know the tunnel status.