This action generates an SBOM, attests and signs the image.
It assumes that you are already authenticated to the registry where attestations and signatures are uploaded.
registry: "some.registry/images"
image: "myimage"
runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
- name: "Checkout"
- name: "Authenticate to Google Cloud"
- name: "Login to registry"
- name: "Docker metadata"
- name: "Build and push"
id: "build_push"
- name: "Attest and sign"
uses: 'nais/attest-sign@v1.x.x'
image_ref: ${{ env.registry }}/${{ env.image }}@${{ steps.build_push.outputs.digest }}
sbom: # By default, the SBOM is generated with Trivy from the image manifest. Can be overridden with a pre-generated SBOM.
The action uses Trivy to generate an SBOM and cosign to sign it.
It implements caching of the trivy-java-db
and multiple "mirrors/repositories" to avoid being rate-limited by Github and significantly reduce the time used on subsequent runs.
The trivy-java-db is updated weekly so the cache should be updated at least as often.