The project proposed three eye movement metrics and classification for digital learning slides, attempting to explain the correlation between eye movement bahaviors and degree of interest.
- FTP - fixation time percentage
- MTTF - mean time to fixation
- SDOF - spatial diversity of fixations
- calculator - code and output pitures with fixation data
- - read every single file and output slide info
- Pic - all slides pictures
- data - all data here
- pagecut - calcultaed page switching timing
- Result
- Slide table - slide info
- Lecture table - lecture info
- Class table - class info
- Regression - regression analysis
- ResultPages - calculated slide info
- A - button mask
- B - outlier removal
- AandB - both filter
- nofilter - original data
- Outpic - all slides with fixation data mean fixation point
- red - mean fixation point of original data
- orange - duration weighted mean fixation point of original data