- please create a conda environment
- install the packages according to requirements.txt
- please clone the project and download the proposed dataset in google drive (HR_782.zip, LR_782.zip)
- define the .yml file under ./options/train/SwinFIR
- name of the experiment
- dataset directory
- scheduler, total_iter
- loss functions
- run the command (e.g. below)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python swinfir/train.py -opt options/train/SwinFIR/train_crnn4_Relu_VGG.yml
- models and training_states will be saved under ./experiments
- watch the PSNR/SSIM curves and loss value curves during validation
tensorboard --logdir tb_logger/crnnOCR_continue --port 5500 --bind_all
- modify the .yml file ./options/test/SwinFIR/SwinFIR_SRx2.yml
- name of testing
- dataset directory
- model path (pretrain_network_g)
- run the command (e.g. below)
python swinfir/test.py -opt options/test/SwinFIR/SwinFIR_SRx2.yml
- the output super-resolution images will be saved under ./results
- the OCR model is download from https://github.com/Valfride/lpr-rsr-ext
- please refer to PKU-SR.zip in google drive
- run OCRpred_SR.py to get the recognition results from Multi-task
- please clone the project https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR
- please put model file under ./models
- please refer to ch_PP-OCRv3_rec_train.zip in google drive
- modify /configs/ch_PP-OCRv3_rec.yml
- change infer_img
- modify /tools/infer_rec.py
- change output_file_path
- run the command
python3 tools/infer_rec.py -c configs/ch_PP-OCRv3_rec.yml
- run calculate_acc.py to output .csv file
- change the input txt path and output filename
- please clone the project from https://github.com/we0091234/crnn_plate_recognition/tree/master
- the model is already under ./saved_model
- please modify ./demo.py
- change image_path and output text file path
- run calculate_acc.py to output .csv file
- change the input txt path and output filename
- HR_782 and LR_782 are used for our project
- LR_bicubic is for showing LR image with the same size of HR image, it has been resized using bicubic method to x2
- HR_ori_size and LR_ori_size : each image is in their original size
- LSVLP_cropped_beforePS : each image is unrectified by Photoshop
- original PKU-SR dataset is PKU-Dataset-SR.zip
- clone the project https://github.com/Valfride/lpr-rsr-ext to train and test on it
- PKUSR.zip is for training and testing our method
- data has been split to train/val/test folder
- FSI-DI-Dataset is the original dataset from the paper https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666281720303899
- FSI-DI : HR-LR paired images which are collected from FSI-DI-Dataset