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hannsolo edited this page May 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

interface IListOptions extends IProgressOptions

 export interface IListOptions extends IProgressOptions {
    template?: string,
    baseDir?: string,
    limit?: string,
    headers?: string,
    recursive?: boolean,
    maxRecursiveDepth?: number,
    readInternalConnectors?: boolean,
    validConnectorTypes?: string | string[],
    typeFilter?: ListSortTypeFilterValue,
    sort?: ListSortValue,
    sortOrder?: ListSortDirectionValue,
    fnDirFilter?: (listData: IListData, entry: IListEntry) => Promise<boolean>,
    fnFileFilter?: (listData: IListData, entry: IListEntry) => Promise<boolean>,
    continueOnError?: boolean,
    blackList?: string[],
    items?: string[],
    generateDirProgress?: boolean

  • template: string (list template to use)
  • recursive: boolean (read subdirectory content)
  • maxRecursiveDepth:number (max level of subdirectories to include)
  • typeFilter:string ("all" | "file" | "directory")
  • sortOrder:string ("asc" | "desc")
  • limit:string (read only limited number of entries, e.g. "limit=0,100" to read the first 100 entries only)
  • blackList:string[] (array of file paths to exclude)
  • fnDirFilter:filterFunction (function to filter entries when recursively reading directory content)
  • fnFileFilter:filterFunction (function to filter entries after reading the content recursively)


A filter function receives the listData and a list entry and returns a boolean promise.

fnDirFilter will prevent reading a given subdirectory if the promise resolves with FALSE. The entire subdirectory and its descendants will be skipped.

fnFileFilter will exclude the given entry (directory or file) from the resulting list if resolving with false.

Example excluding all subdirectories starting with the character "a" using the "fnDirFilter" option

    fnDirFilter: (listData, entry) => {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            return resolve(!entry.src.match(/^n/i));

Example excluding all files containing the character "p" from the list using the "fnFileFilter" option

    fnFileFilter: (listData, entry) => {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            return resolve(entry.type === "file" && resolve(!entry.src.match(/.*p.*\..*/i)));
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