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Lightbend Kafka Lag Exporter

Ansible Role for installing and configuring the Kafka Lag Exporter from Lightbend.

GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) Travis (.com) GitHub GitHub All Releases


  • Java 8+ installed on host
  • unzip installed on host

Role Variables

Controlling the Installation

Variable Default Description
kafka_lag_exporter_version 0.6.5 Which release to install from Github Release
kafka_lag_exporter_service_name kafka-lag-exporter Service Name for System.d
kafka_lag_exporter_user kafkalag User for all file permissions and system.d execution
kafka_lag_exporter_group kafkalag Group for all file permissions and system.d execution
kafka_lag_exporter_config_dir /etc/kafka-lag-exporter Directory where all Configuration should exist
kafka_lag_exporter_extraction_dir /opt/kafka-lag-exporter Directory where the archive should be extracted
kafka_lag_exporter_download true Bool on if the archive should be downloaded from the Github Releases Archive. Uses kafka_lag_exporter_download_url to determin where to download from.
kafka_lag_exporter_download_url GITHUB RELEASE URL URL where to download the Archive
kafka_lag_exporter_upload false Bool to control if the archive should be uploaded from the local ansible controller rather then downloaded
kafka_lag_exporter_upload_path Local path where to find the archive to upload

Configuraing Kafka Lag Exporter

General Settings

Variable Default Description
kafka_lag_exporter_poll_interval 30 seconds How frequent to check Kafka Cluster for Offsets
kafka_lag_exporter_client_group_id kafkalagexporter Consumer Group ID for the embeded Kafka Consumer
kafka_lag_exporter_client_timeout 10 seconds TCP timeout for Kafka Clients
kafka_lag_exporter_lookup_table_size 60
kafka_lag_exporter_environment_overrides {} Map of ENV Vars to populate in System.d execution environment
kafka_lag_exporter_metric_whitelist [".*"] Whitelist of metrics to return
kafka_lag_exporter_reporters_prometheus_enabled true Bool to enable exposing the collected metrics as a prometheus endpoint
kafka_lag_exporter_reporters_prometheus_port 8000 Port to display Prometheus metrics on
kafka_lag_exporter_reporters_graphite_enabled false
kafka_lag_exporter_clusters [] List of Kafka Clusters to gather consumer offsets/lags for. See Cluster Settings below for paramaters.

Cluster Settings

Variable Default Description
name Name of the Kafka Cluster. This will be presented in the metrics tags as well.
servers [] List of Kafka Brokers and ports. In the form of address:port
ssl_enabled false If SSL/TLS is in use. This requires that the below Keystore SSL/TLS settings also be configured
ssl_mutual_auth_enabled false If Mutual TLS is being used. This requires that the below Keystore SSL/TLS settings also be configured
sasl_protocol none SASL Protocol (GSSAPI, PLAIN, SCRAM) for the Kafka Clients to connect on
username Required when sasl_protocol equals PLAIN or SCRAM
password Required when sasl_protocol equals PLAIN or SCRAM
keytab Required when sasl_protocol equals GSSAPI. GSSAPI Keytab file path on the server.
keytab_src Required when sasl_protocol equals GSSAPI. GSSAPI Keytab file path local to the Ansible Controller. This file will be uploaded and place into the location provided by keytab
principal Required when sasl_protocol equals GSSAPI. GSSAPI Keytab Principal. This is usually the SPN of the Keytab.
properties {} Map of additional properties to provide to both the Admin Client and Kafka Consumer Client
consumer_properties {} Map of additional properties for the Kafka Consumer Client
admin_properties {} Map of additional properties for the Admin Client
topic_whitelist [".*"]
topic_blacklist []
group_whitelist [".*"]
labels {} Additional Metric Labels to include


Variable Default Description
kafka_lag_exporter_logging_policy_days 7 Max Number of days to retain logs
kafka_lag_exporter_logging_policy_total_size 3GB Max amount of logs to retain
kafka_lag_exporter_logging_policy_file_size 1GB Max size to let a single log get to within a days boundry


No other dependencies at this time.

Example Playbook

- name: Kafka Lag Exporter Install/Config
  hosts: kafka_lag_exporter
  gather_facts: true
  - name: Install Java
      name: java
  - name: Install/Config
      name: kafka-lag-exporter-ansible



Author Information

Nikoleta Verbeck | Github/@nerdynick