Bug Resistance is a web application which provides software courses to users. In this project, scrum development model is followed to build and test the web application.
Application URL: Bug Resistance Link
Software Testing Tool:
Step 1: Requirments are collected and Product Backlog is designed.
Step 2: Sprint Backlog is designed and Sprint Cycle starts.
Step 3: Each sprint cycle some parts of the application is developed and tested and after end of each sprint, a version of the web application is released.
**For further information on agile process, visit Jira folder
The whole application is divided into 4 modules.They are:
- Home
- Course Admission
- QA Services
- Contact Us
- Smoke and Sanity Testing: Smoke and Sanity tests both checks the basic functionality of the application.After getting first unstable software build, smoke testing is performed based on the smoke test cases and when the build gets stable,sanity testing is performed.
- Functional Testing: After passing the smoke test or sanity test, functional testing is performed on the build based on the functional test cases.
- Cross-Browser Testing: Cross-Browser testing is performed on each module for multiple browsers such as Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge based on the test cases
- Retesting: Retesting is performed in the failed test cases to verify the bug fix.
- Full Regression Testing: Full regression testing is performed to validate the modules functionality. After all the testing is done, a final full regression testing is performed for each releases to check if there are any bugs left on the module.
- Bug Resistance Test Case: Includes all the functional test cases and test scenarios of the Bug Resistance application.
- Bug Resistance Test Case Execution Result: Includes the test execution result of the functional and cross browser testing performed in the application.
- Defect Report of Bug Resistance: An excel file includes all the reported and tracked defects.