A GUI-based program to search a PDF for all nouns (words that start with a capitalized letter) and the pages they occur on.
The result will be saved to a given file.
Prepare by generating a dictionary using aspell (example is for german).
Due to license problems we can't ship the dict with the project.
aspell -d de dump master | aspell -l de expand > ./src/count_names/dictionary.txt
Note: You can run the project without this step, but then you need to disable "Exclude words from dictionary" in the ui.
pip install .
Consider using a venv!
use pip install -e .
to install the package in edit mode.
It's highly recommended to use a venv for that!
python3 -m pip install -r requirements_exe.txt
pyinstaller .\src\count_names\__init__.py --onefile --name word-counter.exe --add-data "src/count_names/dictionary.txt;count_names"
The executable word-counter.exe
will be located in .\dist\
You can copy it freely everywhere. It will still work!
Note: you can exclude the --add-data "src/count_names/dictionary.txt;count_names"
part when not including a dictionary.