Custom IN-12A (ИН-12А) Nixie clock with RTC and arduino
This code is messy and specific to my board design.
I made one change after recieving the boards. I needed a 5volt power pin for the rotary encoder. I scrapped up a trace to a digital pin on the button header and added a bodge wire for 5 volts. You will need to get 5v to your rotary encoder
Adjust by turning rotary encoder
- 0: Time mode
- 1: Date mode
- 2: Rotate mode
Rotate mode rotates between date and time at a set interval
Enter settings menu by pressing rotary encoder
Press it again to change the selected setting
- 0: Exit settings menu
- 1: Set Time
- 2: Set Date
- 3: Set rotation interval in seconds
- 4: Select 12 or 24 hour display
- 5: Set the time transition mode. currently there is only two. 0 for normal and 1 for slot machine effect.
- 6: Set time to turn display off then back on. First digit is the hour it turns off. second is the hour it turns back on
- 7: Set anti cathode poison time. Fist digit is the minute that the first run will happen on. Second is the interval in minutes that it runs
example: 15 - 10. the first run will happen at 0:15 and the next run will happen at 0:25. Add 10 minutes for every run after