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This is the Django admin and Jet overrides used by the Onespacemedia team.


OSM Jet currently requires the following pip packages:

Package Version PyPy page Repo
Django 1.11.x+
Django Jet 1.0.8

In addition, the Onespacemedia CMS is required if you want to use the sitemap dashboard module.


Install osm_jet

pip install osm_jet

Add osm_jet to your project's installed apps. If you're using the Onespacemedia CMS, ensure osm_jet is before cms:


Add the following settings to your settings/

JET_CHANGE_FORM_SIBLING_LINKS = False  # Hide the next and previous object arrows
JET_DEFAULT_THEME = 'osm'              # Sets the theme to be OSM and doesn't show theme selector
JET_WIDGET_SELECTOR = False            # Hides the widget selector.


osm_jet provides wrappers and extensions for some of the default Django and Jet classes. These are:

Admin wrappers

  • osm_jet.admin.JetTabularInline - A wrapper for the default Django TabularInline class that fixes some Jet issues.
  • osm_jet.admin.JetStackedInline - A wrapper for the default Django StackedInline class that fixes some Jet issues.
  • osm_jet.admin.JetCompactInline - A wrapper for the Jet CompactInline that fixes some issues and also adds re-ordering functionality.


  • osm_jet.fields.DjangoManyToMany - Brings back the default Django style of ManyToMany widgets if you're not a fan of Jet's select2 version.
  • Fixes and style overrides for Jazzband's sortedM2M
  • osm_jet.fields.JetSortedManyToManyField - An alternate version of Jazzband's sortedM2M which adds inline editing to objects in the field.


  • osm_jet.dashboard.Dashboard - This should only be used if you're also using the Onespacemedia CMS. This adds the sitemap module to the dashboard. For more information on usage, see the Jet docs on creating custom Dashboards.

Template overrides

In addition to the above, osm_jet overrides multiple Django and Jet templates to improve their styling and layout. It also provides some utility templates you can use the customise the admin. These are:

  • templates/admin/nav_links.html - For adding links to the top of your sidebar on all admin pages.
  • templates/admin/sharing_links.html - For adding buttons to share any object from its change form.
  • templates/admin/body_top.html - For adding content to the top of every admin page's body.
  • templates/admin/body_bottom.html - For adding content to the bottom of every admin page's body.