[ WORK IN PROGRESS ] [ BETA release v0.6 ]
oomerfarm deploys a Deadline renderfarm in about 20 minutes including a VPN to make networking secure for a lone artist.
A renderfarm takes a workload, distributes it over a network and provides:
- freedom to continue working on your computer by dispatching cpu intensive workloads to the "farm"
- a GUI to track job submissions, success, progress and failures.
- Perform post-render operations like convert frames to video or merge co-operative renders.
- The network topology of the included VPN, allows working from home or the coffee shop.
- The same topology avoids lock-in to any particular cloud computer vendor allowing you to shop for the best hourly rates.
- A renderfarm is complicated and oomerfarm doesn't make it simpler but it does wraps up this complexity by boiling it down to 4 bash scripts
- Computer A => MacOS or Windows
- Computer B => a Linux 24/7 server:
- Doesn't render, just runs file server and dispatches jobs
- [RECOMMENDED] run a a cheap $5/mth server
- OR run on a mini pc at home and port forward [42042] on your router
- Computer C-Z => cpu or gpu heavy Linux machines:
- [RECOMMENDED] rent hourly computers like these
- OR Add your own computers
bash becomesecure.sh in your Desktop/Laptop terminal to create bespoke VPN credentials ( Win users need https://git-scm.com)
Put encrypted keys on Google Drive and share publicly
bash bootstraphub.sh on Computer B
- Alma/Rocky 8.x 9.x Linux [Recommened]
- Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04
- this becomes your centralized Deadline renderfarm hub with:
- file server to save scenes and textures
- render queue database
- virtual private network
bash bridgeoomerfarm.sh on Desktop/Laptop connects to hub
- Install Deadline client software https://awsthinkbox.com for renderfarm GUI
- client installs cli( use gui once you become more experienced due to choice complexity )
curl -O https://thinkbox-installers.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Releases/Deadline/10.4/2_10.4.0.10/Deadline-
hdiutil attach Deadline-
cd /Volumes/Deadline-
sudo ./DeadlineClient- --mode unattended --connectiontype Direct --repositorydir //Volumes/DeadlineRepository10 --slavestartup false --unattendedmodeui minimal
From cmd, git-bash or powershell
curl -O https://thinkbox-installers.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Releases/Deadline/10.4/2_10.4.0.10/Deadline-
unzip Deadline-
Open powershell, as administrator
cd to oomerfarm directory ( same as command line above )
./DeadlineClient- --mode unattended --connectiontype Direct --repositorydir //hub.oomer.org/DeadlineRepository10 --slavestartup false --unattendedmodeui minimal
- Rent cloud computers and run bash bootstrapworker.sh. Here is a timelapse at 2x speed, spinning up 3 Google instances.
- Four bash scripts, all starting with the letter b to empower your personal renderfarm.
- becomesecure.sh
- bootstraphub.sh
- bootstrapworker.sh
- bridgeoomerfarm.sh