Sforzando file generator.
This script uses a YAML preset and instrument soundwave files to directly generate a .sfz instrument.
It is a work in progress.
python sfzGen.py source.yaml [options]
-x, --stdout - Send sfz to stdout instead.
-k, --noknobs - Remove knobs.
-v, --verbose - Print feedback during processing.
-e, --nodecor - Don't decorate sfz with comments.
-o, --out - Output filename override (without sfz extension).
-d, --outdir - Output directory override.
-c, --nocrossfade - Disable crossfade.
-r, --noreleases - Ignore release samples.
-b, --createbase - Creates basic file with the "source" as name.
-y, --yamlformat - Print YAML format help.
-f, --force - Don't process soundwaves.
This script uses a YAML preset file for generation. It's options are split into:
- Global settings - applied to all layers
- Layer settings - applied to individual layers
output - output file name without extension.
comment - dictionary of arbitrary values
sustain - layer element, see Layer settings.
# or
layers: #dictionary of layers.
volume - added to layer volumes.
attack - default 0.004
release - default 0.3
exponent - velocity exponent, applied to even distribution of transitions from 0-1 (0-127)
min - minimum index. Notes outside range are ignored. No default.
max - maximum index. No default.
middleC - index of middle C for indexed naming. (Default: 60)
stride - index step. (Default: 1)
crossfade - Crossfade based on key.
unpitched - Don't vary pitch based on key.
invertDynamics - Invert order of dynamics.
exact - Won't extend note key ranges, possibly leaving gaps.
skipAnalysis - Don't analyze any soundwaves. Equal to --force CLI option.
knobs - Create Attack, Release and Release Volume controls, if present.
Editing - filter, sub, map - see Layer settings.
isRelease - release layer. Can just be named "release" for same effect.
alwaysRelease - triggered on note up regardless of sustain pedal.
onekey - only one note on given layer. Doesn't need an identifiable index. Can have RRs.
knob - create volume knob. Labeled based on layer name.
knobPercent - default value of knob. 0-100 integer.
These options are processed after global filters:
filter - Regex. Only matches get processed further (anywhere in filename). Case sensitive.
sub - List of from-to regexes. Applied to whole filename. Case sensitive.
split - Regex. Splits filename into chunks. Case sensitive.
map - Dictionary of key-replacement elements. Applied to chunks. Case INsensitive.
volume -
octave -
transpose -
attack -
release -
min -
max -
middleC -
stride -
exponent -
crossfade -
unpitched -
invertDynamics -
exact -
skipAnalysis - Don't analyze soundwaves for layer.
This script is published under the MIT license.