A simple application that shows Wikipedia articles near an address, created in React Native.
- On the Locations tab users can enter an address or use the current location of the device to search Wikipedia articles near an address.
- In the Articles tab a list of articles is displayed near the selected address
- On the Saved tab the users can see their saved articles
- Search by address
- Search by your location
- Save searched addresses
- Save searched articles
- Shows distance to articles
- Show current distance to article
- Unmount and mount screens properly
- Loading feedback (iOS & Android)
- Optimize Bottom-Tab-Navigator Icons
- Optimize Search Errors and give better feedback
- Language: JavaScript
- Library: React
- Framework: React Native
- Navigation: React Navigation: Bottom-Tab-Navigator and Stack-Navigator
- State Management: Unstated
- Persistency: Unstated Persist
- Location API: Expo Location API
- Style: NativeBase
Assuming that you have Node 10 LTS or greater installed and cloned the repository.
$ cd NearMePedia/
$ npm install
$ npm start