is a lightweight, high-performance, thread-safe Least Recently Used (LRU) cache library for Go. It is designed for in-memory caching with optional support for expiration, eviction callbacks, and dynamic capacity adjustment.
Whether you're optimizing resource usage, caching frequently accessed data, or adding session management, cachify
simplifies your task with an intuitive and flexible API.
Go version 1.19 or higher
To start using cachify
, run go get
For a specific version:
go get
For the latest version (globally):
go get -u
- LRU Eviction Policy: Automatically removes the least recently used (LRU) items when the cache reaches capacity.
- Expiration Support: Set time-to-live (TTL) for cache entries for automatic expiration.
- Custom Eviction Callback: Trigger custom logic whenever an item is evicted.
- Thread-safe Design: Built for concurrent access with
. - Dynamic Capacity Adjustment: Adjust the cache capacity on the fly.
- Comprehensive API: Includes utility methods to inspect and manage cache state.
NewLRU(capacity int)
: Create an LRU cache with a fixed capacity.NewLRUCallback(capacity int, callback OnCallback)
: Add a callback for evictions.NewLRUExpires(capacity int, expiry time.Duration)
: Add entry expiration.
Get(key string) (value interface{}, ok bool)
: Retrieve an entry by key.GetAll() map[string]interface{}
: Retrieve all key-value pairs.Set(key string, value interface{})
: Add or update an entry.Update(key string, value interface{})
: Update the value associated with a specific key in the cache.Remove(key string)
: Remove a specific entry.Clear()
: Clear all entries.Len() int
: Get the number of entries in the cache.IsEmpty() bool
: Check if the cache is empty.IsExpired(key string) bool
: Check if a specific key has expired.Contains(key string) bool
: Check if a key exists.Pairs() (key string, value interface{}, ok bool)
: Get the least recently used pair.
SetCapacity(capacity int)
: Dynamically adjust the capacity.SetCallback(callback OnCallback)
: Set the eviction callback function.SetExpiry(expiry time.Duration)
: Update the expiration time for cache entries.GetStates() []state
: Get metadata for all entries.GetState() (m *state, ok bool)
: Get state returns the metadata of the least recently used item without removing it from the cache.IsMostRecentlyUsed(key string) bool
: Check if a key is the most recently used.GetMostRecentlyUsed() (state *state, ok bool)
: Retrieve the most recently used item.ExpandExpiry(key string, expiry time.Duration)
: Extend the expiration time for a key.PersistExpiry(key string) (remain time.Duration, ok bool)
: PersistExpiry returns the remaining time until expiration for a specific key.
NewLRU(capacity int)
: Create an LRU cache with a fixed capacity.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create an LRU cache with a capacity of 3
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
// Add entries to the cache
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
cache.Set("b", "beta")
cache.Set("c", "gamma")
// Adding another entry will evict the least recently used ('a')
cache.Set("d", "delta")
// Inspect the cache state
// Output: map[b:beta c:gamma d:delta]
NewLRUCallback(capacity int, callback OnCallback)
: Create an LRU cache with a custom eviction callback.
package main
import (
func onEviction(key string, value interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("Evicted: Key=%s, Value=%v\n", key, value)
func main() {
// Create an LRU cache with a capacity of 2 and a custom callback
cache := cachify.NewLRUCallback(2, onEviction)
cache.Set("x", "X-ray")
cache.Set("y", "Yankee")
// Adding a third entry triggers eviction of the least recently used ('x')
cache.Set("z", "Zulu")
// Output: Evicted: Key=x, Value=X-ray
NewLRUExpires(capacity int, expiry time.Duration)
: Create an LRU cache with expiration.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create an LRU cache with expiration (5 seconds)
cache := cachify.NewLRUExpires(2, 5*time.Second)
cache.Set("k", "keep")
// Retrieve the key before expiration
if val, ok := cache.Get("k"); ok {
fmt.Println("Value:", val) // Output: Value: keep
// Wait for the key to expire
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
// Attempt to retrieve the key after expiration
if _, ok := cache.Get("k"); !ok {
fmt.Println("Key expired.") // Output: Key expired.
Get(key string)
: Retrieve an entry by key.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
// Retrieve an existing key
if value, ok := cache.Get("a"); ok {
fmt.Println("Value:", value) // Output: Value: alpha
// Attempt to retrieve a non-existing key
if _, ok := cache.Get("b"); !ok {
fmt.Println("Key not found.") // Output: Key not found.
: Retrieve all key-value pairs.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
cache.Set("b", "beta")
// Get all key-value pairs
fmt.Println("Cache state:", cache.GetAll())
// Output: Cache state: map[a:alpha b:beta]
Set(key string, value interface{})
: Add or update an entry.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(2)
// Add entries to the cache
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
cache.Set("b", "beta")
// Update an existing key
cache.Set("a", "updated_alpha")
// Inspect the cache state
// Output: map[a:updated_alpha b:beta]
Update(key string, value interface{})
: Update an existing entry without altering order.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("x", "X-ray")
cache.Update("x", "Updated X-ray")
// Confirm the update
if value, ok := cache.Get("x"); ok {
fmt.Println("Updated value:", value) // Output: Updated value: Updated X-ray
Remove(key string)
: Remove a specific entry.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
cache.Set("b", "beta")
// Remove an entry
// Attempt to retrieve the removed entry
if _, ok := cache.Get("a"); !ok {
fmt.Println("Key 'a' removed.") // Output: Key 'a' removed.
: Clear all entries from the cache.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("x", "X-ray")
cache.Set("y", "Yankee")
// Clear the cache
// Confirm the cache is empty
if cache.Len() == 0 {
fmt.Println("Cache cleared.") // Output: Cache cleared.
: Get the number of entries in the cache.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
cache.Set("b", "beta")
fmt.Println("Cache length:", cache.Len())
// Output: Cache length: 2
: Check if the cache is empty.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
fmt.Println("Is cache empty?", cache.IsEmpty())
// Output: Is cache empty? true
: Retrieve the least recently used pair.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
cache.Set("b", "beta")
// Retrieve the least recently used pair
if key, value, ok := cache.Pairs(); ok {
fmt.Printf("Least Recently Used: Key=%s, Value=%v\n", key, value)
// Output: Least Recently Used: Key=a, Value=alpha
SetCapacity(capacity int)
: Dynamically adjust the cache capacity.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(2)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
cache.Set("b", "beta")
// Increase capacity to 3
cache.Set("c", "gamma")
fmt.Println("Cache state after capacity increase:", cache.GetAll())
// Output: Cache state after capacity increase: map[a:alpha b:beta c:gamma]
// Decrease capacity back to 2, evicting the least recently used ('a')
fmt.Println("Cache state after capacity decrease:", cache.GetAll())
// Output: Cache state after capacity decrease: map[b:beta c:gamma]
SetCallback(callback OnCallback)
: Set or update the eviction callback function.
package main
import (
func evictionLogger(key string, value interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("Evicted: Key=%s, Value=%v\n", key, value)
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(2)
// Set a callback for evictions
cache.Set("x", "X-ray")
cache.Set("y", "Yankee")
cache.Set("z", "Zulu")
// Output: Evicted: Key=x, Value=X-ray
SetExpiry(expiry time.Duration)
: Update the expiration time for all cache entries.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRUExpires(2, 5*time.Second)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
// Update the expiration time to 10 seconds
cache.SetExpiry(10 * time.Second)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
if val, ok := cache.Get("a"); ok {
fmt.Println("Value still exists:", val) // Output: Value still exists: alpha
: Get metadata for all entries.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("x", "X-ray")
cache.Set("y", "Yankee")
cache.Set("z", "Zulu")
// Retrieve metadata for all entries
for _, state := range cache.GetStates() {
fmt.Printf("Key: %v, Value: %v, LastAccess: %v\n", state.Key(), state.Value(), state.AccessTime())
: Get metadata for the least recently used item.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("x", "X-ray")
cache.Set("y", "Yankee")
// Retrieve metadata for the least recently used item
if state, ok := cache.GetState(); ok {
fmt.Printf("LRU State: Key=%s, Value=%v, LastAccess=%v\n", state.Key(), state.Value(), state.AccessTime())
IsMostRecentlyUsed(key string)
: Check if a key is the most recently used.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
cache.Set("b", "beta")
cache.Set("c", "gamma")
if cache.IsMostRecentlyUsed("c") {
fmt.Println("Key 'c' is the most recently used.") // Output: Key 'c' is the most recently used.
: Retrieve the most recently used item.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRU(3)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
cache.Set("b", "beta")
cache.Set("c", "gamma")
// Retrieve the most recently used item
if state, ok := cache.GetMostRecentlyUsed(); ok {
fmt.Printf("Most Recently Used: Key=%s, Value=%v\n", state.Key(), state.Value())
// Output: Most Recently Used: Key=c, Value=gamma
ExpandExpiry(key string, expiry time.Duration)
: Extend the expiration time for a specific key.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRUExpires(2, 5*time.Second)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
// Extend the expiration time by 10 seconds
cache.ExpandExpiry("a", 10*time.Second)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
if val, ok := cache.Get("a"); ok {
fmt.Println("Value after extended expiry:", val) // Output: Value after extended expiry: alpha
PersistExpiry(key string)
: Retrieve the remaining time until expiration for a key.
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cachify.NewLRUExpires(2, 10*time.Second)
cache.Set("a", "alpha")
// Check remaining time for expiration
if remain, ok := cache.PersistExpiry("a"); ok {
fmt.Printf("Time until expiration: %v\n", remain)
// Output: Time until expiration: ~9s (actual value may vary slightly)