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tbouffard committed Jan 17, 2025
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<h1 align="center">MxGraph Sketch</h1> <br>
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<img title="MxGraph Sketch" src="diagram-example.png" width="812" height="170">
<img title="MxGraph Sketch" src="docs/diagram-example.png" width="812" height="170">
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Used with the [MxGraph]( library, this library updates the render with a Sketch style.

| Archived on 2025-01-17 | We no longer maintain this repository. |
| -------- | -------- |

Used with the [mxGraph]( library, this library updates the render with a Sketch style.

## 🎨 Features


This is a demo only.

## 🚢 Build and run locally

Run `npm install` to install the dependencies.

The, run `npm start` to start the development server.

## 🧩 Technical details (from

### Technical Analysis: Sketch and Hand Jiggle Implementation

See [Introducing’s new sketch feature]( It leverages [Rough.js]( to create hand-drawn effects. The feature can be applied to the entire graph or specific elements by defining a style. For compatibility, the property names used in's styles have been retained.

### Key Details of’s Implementation

- **Style Property**: introduces a `sketchStyle` property in its style definitions, which can take the values `'comic'` or `'rough'`. By default, it falls back to `'rough'` if not explicitly set.
The visual difference is notable: the `'sketch'` style creates a more pronounced effect than `'comic'`.
This behavior was observed by modifying the `sketchStyle` value in—replacing `sketch=1` with `comic=1`.

- **Canvas Handling**:
The `sketchStyle` property determines which type of `handJiggleCanvas` (comic or rough) is created and used for rendering.

- **New Functionality**:
A new function, `mxShape.createHandJiggle`, is introduced, as seen in the codebase:
[Relevant code in Editor.js](

###’s Sketch Feature: Implementation Details

1. **New Concept: HandJiggle**
- This concept introduces hand-drawn effects applied via **canvas**.
- A new field, `defaultJiggle`, is added to shapes. Default values are set to `1.5` for `mxShape` and `2` for `mxRhombus`.
- A new `createHandJiggle` function is added to `mxShape`. If the style is set to `sketch`, this function is called.

2. **Testing the Style**:
- The `jiggle` property defines the "noise" level for sketch effects. This can be tested manually by modifying styles using the “Update Style” button and entering values in the input window.

3. **Comic Mode**:
- Comic effects are entirely coded manually in a class named `HandJiggle`.
- This class takes an `mxCanvas` as a parameter and performs additional actions for rendering.

### Rough.js and Fill Styles

When using Rough.js for sketch effects, specific styles can be applied to **fills**, showcasing various visual options.
In the `Editor` class, the supported fill styles are defined as follows:

* All fill styles supported by rough.js.
Editor.roughFillStyles = [
{val: 'auto', dispName: 'Auto'},
{val: 'hachure', dispName: 'Hachure'},
{val: 'solid', dispName: 'Solid'},
{val: 'zigzag', dispName: 'ZigZag'},
{val: 'cross-hatch', dispName: 'Cross Hatch'},
{val: 'dots', dispName: 'Dots'},
{val: 'dashed', dispName: 'Dashed'},
{val: 'zigzag-line', dispName: 'ZigZag Line'}

This allows for showcasing custom fill effects, such as colorized fills, which are visually appealing.

### Adapter for Rough.js Integration

1. **RoughCanvas Adapter**:
A new adapter, `RoughCanvas`, is introduced to handle calls to Rough.js. It converts mxGraph styles to Rough.js styles.
For example, the `jiggle` property is transformed into `roughness` for Rough.js.

2. **SVG Canvas Integration**:
An implementation extends `mxSvgCanvas2D` to proxy an `mxCanvas`. This implementation delegates certain rendering tasks to `RoughCanvas` when needed.

## 🛠️ Technical details about the implementation of `mxgraph-sketch`

This implementation is inspired by **'s sketch feature** and uses the same style properties to ensure potential compatibility with

The `src/mxgraph-sketch.ts` file provides functions to override certain prototypes and add support for the sketch style by applying a dedicated `mxSvgCanvas2D`.

A specialized `SketchySvgCanvas` (extending `mxSvgCanvas2D`) is responsible for enabling the sketch style. It recalculates paths and applies sketchy effects to the rendering.

The concept of **`passThrough`** is introduced to manage styles seamlessly, whether the sketch style is enabled or not.

![class diagram](docs/mxgraph-sketch_class_diagram.png)

## 🔧 Contributing
Expand All @@ -38,7 +132,7 @@ The repository contains configuration for [Eclipse Theia](

You can find more detail in our [Contributing guide]( Participation in this open source project is subject to a [Code of Conduct](

:sparkles: A BIG thanks to all our contributors :slightly_smiling_face:
A BIG thanks to all our contributors 🙂

## 📃 License
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89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions docs/mxgraph-sketch_class_diagram.drawio
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