Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic Kame
Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo Igloo
- numpy (1.8.2 or greater)
- matplotlib (1.3.1 or greater)
- scipy (0.19.0 or greater
To test trajectory generation: In your terminal, go to the folder named 'scripts'
Python Script main.py Additional Parameters: Example Call: python main.py --plot all -t circle
- plot (default="none", "all") [shorthand -p]
- none = no plots
- all = plots end-effector position
- traj (default="pnp","circle") [shorthand -t]
- pnp = follows a minimum jerk pick and place trajectory
- circle = follows a planar circular trajectory
To run MPC code: In your terminal, go to the folder named 'mpc_python' Example Call: python main.py --mode train --type trajectory
Python Script main.py Additional Parameters:
- mode (default="test", "train")
- test = to test the controller (need to put additional argument as "--model 'MODEL_NAME'")
- train = to run MPC code to generate control inputs
- type (default="waypoints","trajectory") [shorthand -t]
- waypoints = MPC controller synthesis with waypoints tracking
- trajectory = MPC controller synthesis with trajectory tracking