React Blognode is a feature-rich blogging application that allows users to share their thoughts and stories with the world. It is built with React and powered by Appwrite, a robust backend-as-a-service platform. Whether you want to create, read, edit, or delete blog posts, React Blognode has you covered.
💡 User Authentication: Sign up, log in, and logout securely to access the full range of features.
📚 Post View: Browse through all posts, including those from other users and your own.
📝 Create Post: Craft and publish your blog posts effortlessly.
📝 Read Post: Dive into captivating blog content and explore a world of ideas.
📝 Edit Post: Modify and improve your posts at any time.
📝 Delete Post: Remove posts when they're no longer needed.
React Blognode leverages a powerful tech stack to deliver a seamless and engaging blogging experience:
React: For building a user-friendly UI.
Tailwind CSS: For stylish and responsive design.
React Icons: For adding intuitive icons.
React-Router: For seamless navigation between different pages.
React-hot-toast: For displaying informative and non-intrusive toasts.
React-loader-spinner: For a visually appealing loader.
React-Redux: For efficient global state management.
Redux Toolkit: For simplifying state management in the app.
React-hook-form: For managing form elements with ease.
tinymce: For a rich text editor to compose blogs.
html-react-parser: For parsing HTML strings into React components.
html-to-text: For converting HTML content to plain text.
Appwrite: As the backend-as-a-service platform, providing powerful backend capabilities.
Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine:
Clone the repository:
Set up the project:
- Navigate to the project folder:
cd blog-react-app
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Set up environment variables: Create a .env file based on .env.sample file.
- Start the client development server:
npm run dev
- Access the application:
- Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:5173 or your pre-defined local URL Author
React Blognode was lovingly created by Rishu Kumar. It's a testament to the power of React, Tailwind CSS, and Appwrite as a backend service.
Feel free to explore, and share your own stories with the world through React Blognode