- What is/are the problem/s you want to solve? Please provide background based on research.
In the present day there are a number of news media apps installed in every individuals’ mobile device which render news content from that respective news corporation. When an individual (User) needs to view news available in different news agencies or in a different part of the world, that individual needs to move between multiple apps in his device. This creates an extra burden on the users part as the user needs to move from one app to another to fulfill the user's news requirements.
Our app is developed as a solution to avoid taking this extra step, so that when the user needs to view news from multiple sources and locations the user can simply select the news agency and the country to view the news using the app.
- Who are the users you are targeting? Please use a Persona to describe your users and draw a picture of your target user.
Celeste is an inspired young journalist who’s aspired to become a professional news journalist. She constantly needs to be updated with news around the world and also to get exposed to different interpretations on same news by different news media corporations. This app helps her to maintain both above requirements by concentrating news from many news outlet sources into one location.
- What are the major features of the solution? List the features.
- Allow users to login to account
- Allow users to search and filter news articles
- Allow users to read news articles from multiple news outlets
- Allow users to save news articles to profile for future viewing
- Allow users to share news articles with others
- How is this solution unique? How does it relate to existing solutions on the market? What are three solutions similar or related to what you want to do in the Google Play Store? Do the research and know that you are probably not reinventing the wheel! Present these three solutions, a description and how they compare to yours. Provide screenshots of the existing solutions.
Our application can be unique to other similar news applications on the market because it will pull data from many resources at once and combine it all into one place. This way, users do not need to have multiple news applications on their device. Examples of similar applications on the Google Play Store include the ‘CNN News’, ‘BBC News’, and ‘NBC News’. These applications all provide news articles for users to view from their mobile devices. Our application proposal can be a slight improvement to these applications on the current market because it will combine all of these sources into one concentrated location.
Existing solutions:
- What technologies, APIs etc will you be using to develop this solution? Provide links and explanations.
- Android Studio
- [NewsApi] (https://newsapi.org/)