RentMatch is a platform where users can post TO-LETs and find relevant rents for them.
Users can sign up with their personal details.
Users can login with username and password.
Home Feed will show all posts of To-Let by other users. Boosted posts will be higher up in the feed.
Users can edit their profile information. They also can add profile picture from profile page.
Users can reset their forgotten password.
Users can post To-Let ads with details, map location and with upto 4 photos.
Users can edit their To-Let posts.
Users can delete their T-Let posts.
Users can select the location of the place in an interactive map interface by clicking on the location or leave it as is to record current GPS location.
Users can view the location of the place in an interactive map interface. The interface will show an user's current location and the location of the rent on the map. Users can press a button to see driving directions to the rent place.
Users can boost their posts by paying a fee to RentMatch. If payment gets verified, that post will get boosted.
Users can logout from the application.
MapBox Java SDK was used for this app. The API keys used here were removed. If you want to run this project you need to replace your MapBox API keys in settings.gradle and strings.xml file.
Firebase was used to store the data in this app. The Firebase project used here should be expired. If you want to use the app, please connect your own Firebase account.
You can clone the repo and open it with Android Studio to run the app.
git clone