Thanks to Dicoding Indonesia for providing the "Belajar Penerapan Machine Learning untuk Android" class and Bangkit Academy for giving me access to finish this class. This is my final submission for this class.
Clone the repository or Download the zip & Open it into Android Studio
- Using Starter Project by Dicoding
- Cropping & Rotating Image Features
- Feature Capture Image from the Gallery and Display it
- Using Tensorflow Lite Machine Learning Model to Predict Images
- Display the news page obtained from the News API
- Displaying the History Features of the Prediction that has been saved
- Lifecycle & Livedata: Observing Android component lifecycles and managing continuous data flow.
- ViewModel: Storing and managing UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious way.
- Retrofit 2: Making HTTP requests to RESTful APIs in a simple and efficient way on Android.
- OkHttp 3: Efficient and reliable HTTP client for Android, used by Retrofit for making HTTP network calls.
- Glide: Library for smoothly and efficiently displaying images on Android.
- AndroidX: Package of libraries and tools that provide a range of features for Android app development.
- KotlinX Coroutines: Kotlin library for writing asynchronous code in a clean, sequential style.
- Circle ImageView: ImageView that makes it easy to display images in a circular shape on Android.
- Lottie Android: Library for easily adding animations to Android apps using JSON files created in Adobe After Effects.
- RoomDatabase: Library for local data storage on Android, based on the SQLite database architecture.
- DataStore: Replaces SharedPreferences, providing a secure and asynchronous data storage system using a standard protocol.
- ViewBinding: Allows binding of Android UI components to code via the IDs present in layout files.
- UCrop: Library for performing image cropping in Android apps with a user-friendly interface.
- Tensorflow Lite: Machine learning framework used for building, testing, and deploying ML models efficiently on Android devices.