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This implementation is a plugin for the FROST-Server to support a SensorThings API WebSub Hub discovery. This plugin is therefore compliant with W3C WebSub, §4. Discovery.

In a nutshell, compliance means that this plugin determines

  • when to return Link headers with rel="hub" and rel="self"
  • what the value for the rel="self" link shall be

In addition, this plugin returns a Link header with rel="help" if no rel="self" Link header can be returned. This is done to support the user understanding, why no self-link was returned.

The overall logic of the WebSub plugin is illustrated in the figure below.

Processing Logic

If the plugin is disabled, no WebSub Link header is exposed. The same is true for any HTTP request methods but HEAD and GET. If the plugin is enabled, the Link rel="hub" header is always returned.

For further processing, the plugin uses the rootTopic configuration. A rootTopic is the name of the EntitySet that follows the version information in the URL. For example, http://localhost:8080/FROST-Server/v1.1/Things results in the rootTopic=Things. No Link header is exposed if the rootTopic from the request is not in the set of allowed root topics (see configuration below).

Further processing depends on the value of the HTTP URL query segment. If request.getUrlQuery() is empty, the Link rel="self" returned is identical to the request URL.

If the request URL contains a query part, i.e, http://localhost:8080/FROST-Server/v1.1/Observations?$select=result, the plugin determines the ODATA segment as request.getUrlQuery(). Next, the plugin checks if $filter and $expand are included in the ODATA segment:

  • Link rel="self" is not returned, if the ODATA command $filter is present AND mqtt.allowFilter=false
  • Link rel="self" is not returned, if the ODATA command $expand is present AND mqtt.allowExpand=false

The WebSub plugin does not adapt the Link rel="self". Either the Link rel="self" contains the original request URL or the Link rel="self" header is not returned.

W3C WebSub does not specify how a discovery additional information why no Link rel="self" is returned. To inform a user (or a client program) why the Link rel="self" header is not returned, this plugin returns a Link with rel="help" plus a URL to the help description as a Link header. The plugin returns a Link header in the following format <URL to error>#<identifier>; rel="help". The <URL to the help> points to the help page for the WebSub plugin and the #identifier value points to the applicable section of the help page.

Deployment for FROST-Server

The deployment of the WebSub plugin can be integrated into a working deployment of the FROST-Server. You can follow the FROST-Server documentation to run your instance.

Build and deploy WebSub standalone

Clone this directory via git clone Then cd FROST-Server-WebSub and mvn install. To run the tests at the end of the mvn install you need to have Docker running.

Make sure you copy the FROST-Server-${project.parent.version}.Plugin.WebSub-${project.version} file to the appropriate FROST-Server directory and apply the WebSub specific settings below. Then restart FROST-Server.

Deployment with FROST-Server

Use git clone -b v2.x FROST-Server.v2.5.x to create the FROST-Server directory structure.

Then cd FROST-Server/Plugins and git clone WebSub.

Add the WebSub plugin to the FROST-Server/Plugins/pom.xml.


Then follow the FROST-Server documentation applicable to your deployment strategy.


Different features of the WebSub plugin can be activated / deactivated or configured using FROST-Server alike configuration variables:

Enable the Plugin

As described in the FROST-Server Plugin documentation, you need to add the plugin to the list of plugins to be loaded.

  • plugins.plugins: A comma-separated list of class names, listing additional plugins to load.

    Add the class de.securedimensions.frostserver.plugin.websub.PluginWebSub to have the plugin loaded

  • plugins.websub.enable:
    Set to true to activate the WebSub plugin. Default: false.

Configure Behavior

  • plugins.websub.rootTopics:
    A comma separated list of allowed entitysets that can be subscribed to. E.g. "Datastreams,Sensors" would support discovery via the Link rel="self" header for requests that start with .../Datastreams or .../Sensors. A request to .../Observations would not return a self-link.
  • plugins.websub.enable.odataQuery: Set to true supports the discovery for topics that include an ODATA query. Default: false.
  • mqtt.allowFilter: This is a FROST-Server configuration directive. Set to true enables an MQTT to include the ODATA command $filter. Default: true.
  • mqtt.allowExpand: This is a FROST-Server configuration directive. Set to true enables an MQTT to include the ODATA command $expand. Default: true.
  • plugins.websub.hubUrl: This is the URL to the WebSub Hub that functions as the Publisher.
  • plugins.websub.helpUrl: This URL resolves to the help page.

Because a SensorThings API service returns data in the JSON format only, this plugin returns the Link information as HTTP response headers. To enable CORS such that a Javascript based Web-App can access the Link headers requires that the Link header is listed in the access-control-expose-headers response header.

  • http.cors.exposed_headers=Location,Link: Note: It is important to also add Location as that is the default.

According to the W3C WebSub Recommendation, section §4 Discovery, the plugin must return the Link headers for HTTP GET and HEAD methods. In order to allow the discovery via HTTP HEAD from a Javascript-based Web-App, the FROST-Server CORS configuration must include the literal HEAD in the http.cors.allowed.methods configuration setting.

  • http.cors.allowed.methods=HEAD,...: Note: It is important to add the otherwise default methods in this list.


Note: Tests are only executed for the SensorThings V1.1. There are no different tests needed for V1.0.

The test cases need reflection the different WebSub plugin configuration options:

  • plugins.websub.rootTopics: configures the allowed root Entities. E.g.
    • for a STA service: Datastreams, Sensors, Things, Locations, HistoricalLocations, Observations, FeaturesOfInterest
    • as per the STAplus data model: Parties, Licenses, Campaigns, ObservationGroups, Relations
    • if MultiDatastream is enabled: MultiDatastream
  • plugins.websub.enable.queryTopics: set to true configures whether the MQTT subscription may include the ODATA part - the query of a service request.
  • mqtt.allowFilter: set to true allows that the ODATA query includes $filter
  • mqtt.allowExpand: set to true allows that the ODATA query includes $expand

Different test cases are defined to test the processing logic for all of these configurations.

Testing rootTopics

Four different test cases are defined depending on the root topic:

  • STA = {Datastreams, Sensors, Things, Locations, HistoricalLocations, Observations, FeaturesOfInterest} is concerned with the discovery tests for each entity from the STA data model
  • MultiDatatream = {MultiDatastream} is concerned with the discovery tests for MulitDatastreams
  • Other = {Foo, /, ``, , `#`} is concerned with the discovery tests for some other entities that are not one of the above

For each request to a valid entityset that is not included in plugins.websub.rootTopics, the plugin does not return a rel="self" Link header. Instead, the plugin returns the rel="help" header to inform about the reason for the missing self-link.

For any service request where root entity does not exist, the service returns a HTTP status code 404. Such a response naturally does not contain any WebSub link headers.

| Class | plugins.websub.rootTopics | multiDatastream.enable | Expected Result | |:---------------------------|:-------------------------:|:----------------------:|::----------------| | DiscoveryPathTestSTA0 | Datastreams1 | false |2 | | DiscoveryPathTestSTA1 | Datastreams1 | true |2 | | DiscoveryPathTestMD0 | MultiDatastream3 | false |4 | | DiscoveryPathTestMD1 | MultiDatastream3 | true |5 |

For each test class, the requests are made for all entityset names in {STA, MultiDatastream}. Expected results are:

For each test class, the requests are made for all entityset names in {Other} return HTTP status 404 and therefore no Link rel="self" header may be present.

Testing enable.queryTopics

Configuring with the WebSub plugin with enable.odataQuery=true allows that a self-link contains an ODATA segment. Returning the correct self-link must take under consideration if the service supports $filer or $expand.

Each of these test cases have to be tested by starting a new SensorThings service with the following configurations:

Class path+query mqtt.allowFilter mqtt.allowExpand Expected Result
DiscoveryWithQuery00 .../Observations?$filter=result gt 30 false false 6
DiscoveryWithQuery00 .../Observations?$expand=Datastream false false 7
DiscoveryWithQuery01 .../Observations?$filter=result gt 30 false true 8
DiscoveryWithQuery01 .../Observations?$expand=Datastream false true 9
DiscoveryWithQuery10 .../Observations?$filter=result gt 30 true false 10
DiscoveryWithQuery10 .../Observations?$expand=Datastream true false 11
DiscoveryWithQuery11 .../Observations?$filter=result gt 30 true true 12
DiscoveryWithQuery11 .../Observations?$expand=Datastream true true 13

All test cases must return the Link rel="hub" header. In addition, the following Link header is returned:


  1. any subset from entityset names valid for the STA data model 2

  2. Only topic equals Datastreams returns Link rel="self" header 2

  3. any subset from entityset names valid for the STA MultiDatastream (only MultiDatastreams) 2

  4. Response is HTTP status 404. => No Link rel="self" header returned

  5. Only topic equals MultiDatastreams returns Link rel="self" header

  6. Link <plugins.websub.helpUrl#odataQueryFilterDisabled>; rel="help"

  7. Link <plugins.websub.helpUrl#odataQueryExpandDisabled>; rel="help"

  8. Link <plugins.websub.helpUrl#odataQueryFilterDisabled>; rel="help"

  9. Link <...>; rel="self"

  10. Link <...>; rel="self"

  11. Link <plugins.websub.helpUrl#odataQueryExpandDisabled>; rel="help"

  12. Link <plugins.websub.helpUrl#odataQueryFilterDisabled>; rel="help"

  13. Link <...>; rel="self"


W3C WebSub Discovery for SensorThings API




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