Hamzi Oussama Seyf Elislam - Full Stack Web Developer , Junior AI Engineer ( Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence )
🔭 I’m currently working on Time Series Forecasting using PyTorch.👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects involving Python (preferably AI), Next.js with TypeScript, or Flutter.- 😥 Unfortunately, I’m unavailable for collaboration at the moment.
- Blog : https://seyf1elislam.netlify.app/
- Potfolio : https://seyf1elislam.netlify.app/portfolio
- Deep Learning (pytorch) + Data Science (Python)
- Scraping/ WebCrowling (Python)
- BackEnd : Django - flask - expressjs - laravel
- FrontEnd : Flutter (Mobile/desktop) - React/next(web)
- Databases : Sql/sqlite - Firebase - Familiar with framworks ORMs too
- Flutter Framework : StateManegment(Bloc(myfav)+GetX+provider)+Dependency Injection(Getit)+ DB(hive/sqlite/firebase) + familiar with Apis/Dio/notification and Background services
- Nextjs : Familiar with SSR/SSG/ISR + API routes + Auth + DB + TailwindCSS
- React : Familiar with ContextAPI/Redux + Hooks + Router + zustand + TailwindCSS