Cypress BDD based Automation Framework using TypeScript with Allure Reporting
orangeHRM Demo Website
- Clone the Repository
- On Terminal run command: npm i
- Let the packages and dependencies to install on your machine
- To start the test use command: npm test
This TC verfies the End to End Addition/Validation/Deletion of Employee, functionality of the Application.
- Login into the Application
- Add Employee
- Validate if the newly added employee name present in the Employee list or not.
- Delete the Employee and Check the Success Message.
This TC verfies the End to End Addition/Validation/Deletion of new Vacancy, functionality of the Application.
- Login into the Application
- Create new Vacancy
- Validate if the newly added Vacancy present in the Vacancy list or not.
- Delete the Vacancy and Check the Success Message.
This TC verfies the Search Directory feature of the Application
- Login into the Application
- On Directory Page, Filter the Employees with 'Job Title'.
- Check if a specfic employee is present in the list or not