Once deployed, the API will be available at the following URL:
Example response from my blog's RSS feed: https://zander.wtf/atom.xml
"title": "Zander Martineau's Blog",
"description": "Zander Martineau's personal site",
"link": "https://zander.wtf",
"generator": "GatsbyJS",
"lastBuildDate": "Tue, 11 Jan 2022 12:25:25 GMT",
"items": [
"title": "Announcing Code Notes",
"description": "Like a lot of developers I spend a lot of my time searching Google for answers to things that I should know how to do. For example, how to…",
"link": "https://zander.wtf/blog/code-notes-release",
"guid": "https://zander.wtf/blog/code-notes-release",
"pubDate": "Thu, 11 Jun 2020 00:00:00 GMT",
"content_encoded": "...",
"guid_isPermaLink": "false"
It uses the rss-converter
library to convert the RSS feed to JSON and exposes an API to retrieve that response.
Made by Zander • zander.wtf • GitHub • Twitter