This is a solution to the Age calculator app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
- Solution URL: Github Link
- Live Site URL: live site
- CSS custom properties
- CSS Grid
- Desktop-first workflow
- Javascript
The Age calculator app was a good challenge for testing form validation, javascript and working with dates of which gave me a tough time to figure out.
The first problem that I faced was after user inputs, the form should not be submitted of which I accomplished with the e.preventDefault()
The second problem that I encountered was adding animations to the page after data has been calculated but with the help of a youtube video I learnt how to do that with the updateDisplay()
function updateDisplay(){
const counters = document.querySelectorAll(".counter");
counters.forEach(function (counter) {
let initial_count = -1;
const final_count = counter.dataset.count;
const counting = setInterval(updateCounting, 40);
function updateCounting(){
counter.innerText = initial_count;
if (initial_count == final_count) {
I want to continue sharpening my JS skills and including accessibility best practices. I'm also really interested in growing my animation skills.
- CodingDesign Number Counting Animation - This helped me in achieving the animation.
- Website - Samuel Osaronungwe
- Frontend Mentor - @sicktooth
- Twitter - @sammy_o_osaro
Thanks so much to Jeet Saru at CodingDesign and your super helpful YouTube video on Number Counting Animation!