This is a Python application to calculate the standard resistors values needed in a resistor divider to get the desired output voltage given the input voltage, the current flowing into the two resistors and the resistors tolerance.
Python Resistor Divider Calculator (PRDC) calculate the standard resistors values needed in a resistor divider to get the desired output voltage given the input voltage, the current flowing into the two resistors and the resistors tolerance. Based on the resistors tolerance specified the resitors values will follow the standard "E series" values the following way:
- 10 % -> E12
- 5 % -> E24
- 2 % -> E48
- 1 % -> E96
The program iteratively searches for the resistors pair that minimizes the error on the output voltage with the constraint that the sum of the two resistors do not drain more current than specified.
It was made as an exercise to learn Python's OOP programming.
PRDC is written in Python and uses numpy and argparse, so to be able to run the program you need to first install Python and then type the usual pip commands:
pip install numpy
pip install argparse
Clone the project
git clone
And if you didn't already, install Python and the dependencies listed in Prerequisites
To learn how to use it type -h or --help
python ./ --help
usage: [-h] Input Voltage Output Voltage Divider Current Resistors Tolerance
Find the correct resistors values to get the desired divide ratio.
positional arguments:
Input Voltage The voltage applied to the resistor divider
Output Voltage The desired voltage to the resistor divider output
Divider Current The current flowing into the divider's resistors
Resistors Tolerance The tolerance to use for the resistors
-h, --help show this help message and exit
If you wanto to contribute to this project please create an issue. Since it's a side project started for learning purpose issues will be fixed on a best effort basis.
Python Resistor Divider Calculator is licensed under the terms and conditions of the GPL-V3 license.