A (very) simple mathematical game to demonstrate the use of the Knockout library for creating dynamic JavaScript UIs.
- JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Knockout, dynamic JavaScript UI
- MVVM pattern, separation between data and view components
- observable variables
- declarative bindings
FlipBoard is a one-player board game played on a bicolored N×N square grid. Clicking a square inverts the colors of all squares in the same row and the same column. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to flip all cells to a red state!
The game itself is more like a mathematical game and quite boring to play. But it has some interesting characteristics:
- Start with a cleared board. If the layout is an odd number, you just have to click each square in the top row in an arbitrary order to win. If the layout is an even number, you just have to click each square on the board in an arbitrary order to win.
- Start with a shuffled board. If the layout is an odd number, you just have to click each cleared square from the starting configuration in an arbitrary order to win.
The example provides three files:
- flipboard.js - the view model
- flipboard.html - the view
- flipboard.css - the stylings
The FlipBoard
class implements the view model.
It holds the UI's underlying data and behaviours:
function FlipBoard() {
me.moves = ko.observable();
me.cells = ko.observableArray([]);
me.boardSize = ko.pureComputed(...);
me.onMove = function ...
When the DOM is fully loaded, the view model is going to be bounded to the page:
var vm = new FlipBoard();
The game board is rendered using the foreach
<div id="flipboard" data-bind="style: { width: boardSize, height: boardSize }">
<div data-bind="foreach: cells">
<button data-bind="click: $parent.onMove($index()), ..."></button>