This guide provides instructions for setting up a ROS (Robot Operating System) network between a powerful PC (master) and a laptop PC (slave) for wireless communication. The master PC runs roscore, while the slave PC executes the rosaria node to handle robot control and odometry data.
Step 1: Configure ROS Network
On the Master PC
Edit the .bashrc file by adding the following commands:
$ export ROS_HOSTNAME= # Replace with your master PC's IP
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI= # Master URI
Then, apply the changes:
$ source ~/.bashrc # Source the .bashrc file
On the Slave PC
Edit the .bashrc file by adding the following commands:
$ export ROS_HOSTNAME= # Replace with your slave PC's IP
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=
Then, apply the changes:
$ source ~/.bashrc
Step 2: ROS Master and Required Packages
On the Master PC
Run the following command to start the ROS master and parameter server in the command line
$ roscore
On the Slave PC
Run the following command to start the rosaria node:
$ rosrun rosaria RosAria
This node interfaces the robot with the netbook computer (slave), handling topic communication for velocity commands (/RosAria/cmd_vel) and odometry data (/RosAria/pose).
# Additional Resources
For further assistance, refer to the following official ROS documentation and tutorials: % Documentation Official documentation and package descriptions. % ROS Official Documentation % TurtleBot2 Homepage ROSARIA Tutorial % How to use ROSARIA
# References:
[1] MathWorks, "MATLAB Documentation," [Online]. Available: MATLAB ROS Nodes. [Accessed: 31-Jan-2025].