This repository contains the source code that runs on
- Calendar of official competitions in Madrid, in Spain, being prepared, and AMS events.
- Calendar export on iCal format to add it as an external calendar to your calendar (
). - Galeries of competitions' photos.
- List of subscriptions.
- Rankings of members
- Medal collection ranking of members.
- Automatic notification 2 days before subscriptions expire.
- Automatic notification when new competitions are announced.
- Administering competitions to view members with discounts on registration fees, or check new competitors.
- Material management and estimated schedule.
- Post and tags.
- Management of championships to display on home page (SC, WEC, WWC).
- Automatically synced mailing lists.
This section and the following are for people wishing to contribute to the development of the AMS website.
The website is based on Rails (and therefore requires Ruby), and is deployed on a VPS. The database used is PostgreSQL, which must be installed to run the website locally.
The dependencies are managed via bundler
, so the first thing to do is to run bundle install --path vendor/bundle
The website manages its JavaScript dependencies via Yarn, so you have to install them via bin/yarn
as well.
Before launching the website, you must create and initialize the database.
Locally, the configuration is available in config/database.yml
, and the website expects to be able to use the user speedcubingmadrid
with the password fas
It must be created in PostgreSQL and given the rights to create databases.
Once done, the database is initialized via bin/rails db:setup
. You would also need to run bin/rake db:reset
to set up test database and then bin/rake assets:precompile
to compile some assets needed for tests to run.
Use bin/rails s
to launch the server. To use it together with the WCA website server running locally, use bin/rails s -p 1234
The authentication on the website is handled using WCA accounts.
The easiest way to develop locally is to run the WCA website locally (because you can log in like any user).
In any case you need to create an Oauth application on the instance of the WCA website you are targeting (local, or production), this is here for on the "production" website of the WCA.
The URL of callback is the page managing the authentication on the site of the AMS, locally it is http://localhost:1234/wca_callback
Once this is done, it will be necessary to add the id of the application and the secret to the local environment; the website can load environment variables from a .env
file, so just create a .env
file at the root of the repository.
It will contain for example this:
Then restart the server to take into account these environment variables.
It's done via bin/rails scheduler:get_wca_competitions
It's done via bin/rails scheduler:get_wca_persons
By default there is no administrator on the website.
Log in at least once to the website, then open a Rails console via bin/rails c
If you don't know your WCA
, you can get it by looking at the last user added (here 1273):
irb(main):001:0> User.last
User Load (0.7ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."id" DESC LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<User id: 1273, name: "Alberto Pérez de Rada Fiol", wca_id: "2011FIOL01", country_iso2: "ES", email: "", avatar_url: "http://localhost:1234/uploads/user/avatar/2011FIOL...", avatar_thumb_url: "http://localhost:1234/uploads/user/avatar/2011FIOL...", gender: "m", birthdate: "1954-12-04", created_at: "2018-12-27 18:37:30", updated_at: "2018-12-27 18:37:30", delegate_status: "delegate", admin: false, communication: false, spanish_delegate: true, notify_subscription: true>
Then just update the field admin
to true
irb(main):002:0> User.find(1273).update(admin: true)
User Load (0.9ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2 [["id", 1273], ["LIMIT", 1]]
(0.3ms) BEGIN
SQL (0.9ms) UPDATE "users" SET "admin" = $1, "updated_at" = $2 WHERE "users"."id" = $3 [["admin", "t"], ["updated_at", "2018-12-27 18:37:37"], ["id", 1273]]
(63.7ms) COMMIT
=> true
Other users can then be managed through the website user interface.
Via the standard bin/rails db:migrate
See the dedicated wiki page.
Sendgrid is used to send emails in production.
The only thing to know is that you have to set up the API key for the mail sending system to work.
The dashboard is in:
To test the sending of mail locally, just start mailcatcher
(locally emails are sent to smtp localhost).
Stripe is used to charge the subscription fee to members.
The only thing to know is that you have to set up the API key for the automated subscription system to work.
An AWS bucket is used to store the photos of competitions' galleries, which are uploaded through Active Storage
The public and private keys, the region, and the name of the bucket must be set up.
G Suite is used to manage the association's mailing lists. They are synced via bin/rails scheduler:sync_groups
. To install it for the first time:
- Enable google API in google settings.
- Enable google developer console for all users.
- Go to the google developer console, create a new project, add the API "Admin SDK".
- Create "credentials" of type oauth, download the JSON and re-name it to
. - Install
. - Authenticate with the API bot account of the AMS, by running:
gcloud beta auth application-default login --scopes = 'https: // auth / '--client-id-file = oauth_credentials.json
This should automatically create a JSON file:
Credentials saved to file: [/home/apdrf/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json]
This file must be copied to the root of the project on the production server, renaming it to credentials.json
. It is loaded by the corresponding library here.
If a production server is re-installed, step 6 will need to be repeated.