First install it:
# npm
npm install --save spongebobify
# yarn (better)
yarn add spongebobify
Alternatively, use it from the web with unpkg.
Then require and use it:
import spongebobify from 'spongebobify';
console.log(spongebobify('A node module to easily spongebobify text'));
// will print "a nOdE mOdUlE To eAsIlY SpOnGeBoBiFy TeXt"
// you can also specify a param on case alternation
console.log(spongebobify('A node module to easily spongebobify text', true));
// will print same as above
console.log(spongebobify('A node module to easily spongebobify text', false));
// will print "A NoDe mOdUlE To eAsIlY SpOnGeBoBiGy tExT"
# Build UMD and ESM modules
yarn build
# Run Mocha test-suite
yarn test
Q: Why does this exist?
A: WhY dOeS tHiS eXiSt?
Q: Why do you need type safe spongebobification?
A: Our 10s of users depend on us to deliver a reliable package that will never cause issues. Type checking allows us to deliver on that promise.
Q: Couldn't you just have a human test the code?
A: Clearly, we hold ourselves to higher standards than you hold yourself.
Q: Couldn't I just write this algorithm myself?
A: What would you rather do - write 5 lines of code or just type yarn add spongebobify
and get a package guaranteed to work after installing.
Q: Why is there a rollup config file?
A: Welcome to the future.
Algorithm and idea inspired by Irfaan Khalid's spongebobify-cmd project. His isn't as good though - there's no unit tests, it's not available on Maven and it's in Java.
MIT License.