A script designed to help MacOS beginning guitar players learn all of the whole notes on a standard tuned guitar
The creation of this script was inspired by the great post on Youtube here https://youtu.be/oqK0WrcokpM?si=wmU6KB7LVk5wWjUW which goes over the method encapsulated in this script
To use:
1> Download script to your MacOS computer (store it in the home directory will make finding it easiest)
Download by clicking the green Code button above, download the zip is your best bet if you are not used to using GIT
2> Open the terminal application
3> Type the following in the terminal: chmod 700 learn_guitar_notes.pl
4> Check that the above command was effective
ls -l learn_guitar_notes.pl
If the beginning of output is similar to the below, -rwx, you are good to go
-rwx------ 1 srfn8kd staff 3999 Jan 12 11:09 learn_guitar_notes.pl <-- This is good!
5> Now simply type the following to start the script and you are on your way!
Rock & Roll!