Code can be found here
Examples can be found here
Operators supported
- Bidirectional
- Supported:
(lvalue and rvalue dereference) - All std algorithms that work for bidirectional iterators
- Operator
- Operator
- Operator
#include "splay_tree.hpp"
SplayTree<int> st1;
SplayTree<float> st2;
Joining of two splay trees can take place only when the largest element of the first tree is smaller than the smallest element in the second tree
// assume two trees of type SplayTree<float> name st1 and st2
SplayTree<float> joined = join(st1, st2);
SplayTree<float> joined = st1 + st2;
// operator< is supported for splay trees
if (st1 < st2) {
SplayTree<float> joined = join(st1, st2);
// obtaining iterator of element by which to split the tree and then splitting
// assume st1 to be of type SplayTree<int>
SplayTree<int>::iterator it = st1.find(1);
std::pair<SplayTree<int>, SplayTree<int>> st = split(st1, it);
// splitting based on value
std::pair<SplayTree<int>, SplayTree<int>> st = split(st1, 1);
// st.first now provides all elements occurring before it
// st.second now provides all elements occurring after it
// st1 remains unchanged
// assume st1 of type SplayTree<int>
SplayTree<int>::iterator it = st1.find(1);
SplayTree<int>::iterator it = std::find(st1.begin(), st1.end(), 1);
// assume st1 of type SplayTree<int>
SplayTree<int>::iterator it = st1.begin();
SplayTree<int>::iterator it2 = st1.end();
SplayTree<int>::iterator it = std::begin(st1);
SplayTree<int>::iterator it2 = std::end(st1);