A shopware 5 plugin for adding an additional badge to an article similar to the existing bagdes discount, highlight and new.
- select the position of the additional badge (before the discount badge, before the highlight badge, before the new badge, before the esd badge or after the esd badge)
- set the background color of the additional badge
- set the font color of the additional badge
- select if the discount badge should be shown in the product box
- select if the highlight badge should be shown in the product box
- select if the new badge should be shown in the product box
- select if the esd badge should be shown in the product box
- select if the additional badge should be shown in the product box
- select if the badges should be shown on the article detail page
- select if the discount badge should be shown on the article detail page
- select if the highlight badge should be shown on the article detail page
- select if the new badge should be shown on the article detail page
- select if the esd badge should be shown on the article detail page
- select if the additional badge should be shown on the article detail page
- Download the latest sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5-master.zip.
- Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5.
- Move the folder to the project folder custom/plugins/ .
- Connect to the console via ssh:
bin/console sw:plugin:refresh
bin/console sw:plugin:install sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5
bin/console sw:plugin:activate sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5
- Download the latest sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5-master.zip.
- Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5.
- Zip the folder to sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5.zip.
- Upload the zip in the Shopware Backend.
- Install & Activate the plugin.
- Download the latest sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5-master.zip.
- Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5.
- Zip the folder to sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5.zip.
- Upload the zip in the Shopware Backend.
- Update the plugin.