Releases: stenseng/ntripstreams
Making sense of GLONASS MSM epoch
Most GNSS systems use week number and sec of week to indicate the Epoch. GLONASS use day of week and sec of day instead of sec of week. The RTCM decoding of that is now fixed
Starting to be useful
Ntripstreams is now approaching something that is useful and can provide basic monitoring of a NTRIP datastream.
Exception handling has been improved significantly and should now handle them sanely, log the problem and try to reestablish the connection.
Restructured code and fixing chunked reading
Clean up in the code to improve readability and simplify.
Changed chunked reading from line-based reading to announced length reading to avoid misinterpreting data for line ending.
Modified exception
v0.1.12 New version
New version
v0.1.11 Linting
Modifying exceptions
v0.1.10 Linting
Correct MSM decoding
The previous versions read the MSM signals in wrong order and was 12 bit shifted.
Signal types is now available in RINEX3 style e.g. L1C, L5I, E1C
RTCM release
Fixed minor issues
RTCM observation decoder
Implementation of MSM1 to MSM7, messages 1001-1004, and messages 1009-1012
First released to PyPi
This is the first release uploaded to PyPi